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Ayla pov

I opened my eyes feeling a warm heat on my face, that's odd. I open my eyes and immediately closed them as sunshine hit my eyes almost making me blind. I roll over so my back is facing the sudden sunlight, I open my eyes again and happily wasn't blinded by the light. Luciano wasn't in the room currently so he's probably eating, I climb down the bed and stare at a window that I've never seen before. 

"He has windows?" I say aloud, I walk out of the room and see the kitchen is empty. A maid pass by me "Oh excuse me."

"Oh yes my lady."

"Oh please call me Ayla."

"Oh Ayla, how may I help you today?"

"Do you know where Luciano is?"

"Oh yes, Prince Luciano is in the cellars in the dungeon."

"Cellars!" She fliches at my yelling "Oh sorry, why the cellars?"

"Because of his killing spree yesterday, some did agree on your speech but the majority vote was on the cellars." 

"Where are the cellars?"

"Oh... that I don't know, no maid is allowed there. Only King Lucifer or someone King Lucifer trust."

"Thank you, oh I didn't catch your name."


"Thank you Jane." I walk away and start to look around the places Luciano showed me, he told me if I couldn't find him either find Zaiden or Lucifer. Lucifer is a King so he must be busy, so I go and look for Zaiden. 

Lucky as I walk down a dark hall I happen to bump into Zaiden "Ahh Angel, what brings you here?"

"Oh hello Zaiden! I'm looking for you actually."

"Oh really? Come on let me bring you to my room." he said with a scary smirk

Third person

As Zaiden walks the little Angel to his room, he's thinking of all the ways he can get her to choose him over Luciano. He wants to see what's under that dress of hers and see what she's like in bed, as he thinks of this he feels his dick twitch. 

You sure this is a good idea Says Zavier, Zaiden's caretaker demon

Shut up, we all want to fuck her. It's a win win I reply, then quickly block them out before they respond.

"So why were you looking for me princess?"

"Oh, well I was going to ask you to take me to Luciano. I heard he's in a cellar, I want to visit him." She says softly looking up at Zaiden with sad eyes. 

Zaiden feels himself getting angry at the fact that she's thinking of Luciano and not him, "So you didn't want to see me for me?" He growls lowly

"Well, I would still see you on the way. Plus it was you or Mr. Lucifer and he's the King so he must be busy. Didn't want to bother him." They reach Zaiden's room and Zaiden made sure to lock it. He lifts up Ayla who squeals at the sudden move and he smashes his lips on her, he hopes she can feel the sparks and warmth she gives him

Ayla on the other hand has no idea what's going on, she doesn't know what Zaiden is doing to her mouth but it feels wrong. She moves her head to see Zaiden's are almost fully black "Zaiden? Are we going to Luciano yet? Also what was that?"

Zaiden growls and puts her on the floor rubbing his temples to calm him down "Sure, I'll take you to Luciano.... and it was a kiss." Ayla makes an 'o' shape with her mouth "It's how people say hello or sorry down here." 

"Why were you saying sorry?"

"Uh... I don't know." He lies

"Oh silly goose, let's go to Luciano!"

"Yeah lets go..." 

Hope to dieजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें