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I sit on one of the statues in front of the mansion, this Angel hasn't left my side. I may have looked through her memories but it was brief and I only really know that God killed her lover and has been removing her memories and that she's Ayla's sister, which makes sense since they look so much alike. 

"So what's your name little one." I say not looking at her but keeping my eyes at the front of the mansion waiting to see guards.

"Everly... also known as Eve." I tense a little, the classic Adam and Eve story. She's supposed to be dead... but then again God had her.

"That means he killed Adam because he's in love with you."

"Yes." She whispers, I start to hear movement but it's not from us. My team is silent, soon I see white wings appear then a head. Nemesis.

"Stop this war now Luciano! What do you think you're doing? What would Ayla thing of you?" I push the Angel behind me so Nemesis won't be able to see her

"Don't move. Don't say a word." I feel her nod "Listen here Nemesis, if I don't have her in my arms in a few seconds then this war will continue. You're 'father' is a fucking lunatic, he's insane. You're too blind to see it."

"Have it your way." She turns around but quickly turns back and tries to attack me and just as she does a bunch of guards come out and attack my soldiers. I step aside to reveal Eve and Nemesis stops.

"Eve." She whispers

"Mommy." She sobs and hugs her, I watch their little reunion. How cute.


"God. He killed Adam, he was jealous of him. Then faked her death and kept taking away her memory and replacing it all with him instead of Adam. It would wear off and he would so it over and over." I say plainly

"Eve!" She sobs harder, she turns to me "Please find my other one." I nod and walk into the war zone, just as I was about to fight a guard I feel him. I turn and see him standing at the top of the stairs just watching over what he caused. His eyes were stuck on Eve and Nemesis.

"YOU BASTARD!" I yell flying up to him full charge, it was my time.


I stare at the dead bodied on the floor and the blood everywhere, why is this happening? I look up at the Gate it was forced opened, who knows what else got in

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I stare at the dead bodied on the floor and the blood everywhere, why is this happening? I look up at the Gate it was forced opened, who knows what else got in. I start to walk over the bodied pulling up the tail on my dress, I can hear Apollo and Lester behind me. As we walk through the gate everything is black and smoking, nothing like the outside since the barrier blocks that.

I start to cough in my arm from breathing in all of the smoke, I look up to the stairs to the mansion. I see people fighting. "Listen up Ayla." I turn around to face Apollo "This 'power' you have. You need to reserve it, you will have to fight but you'll have to save it for something big. I can tell something is going to happen. Do you understand?"


"Great, me and Lester will get there first. Lester will mind-link you when you should start coming up, make yourself busy. Help people who need help." I nod, Apollo flocks his wings out. I've never seen them before, I gasp at the beautiful wings. There gold, Lester's wings are gray. Apollo flies off but Lester stays behind.

"Please be safe, I won't take long or anything. I promise." He kisses my forehead and flies off, I quickly start to run to my house picking up the tail of my dress so it doesn't get caught on anything or I trip. 

Once I arrive I slam open every door in my house but I couldn't find mother. I run to the garden and sing the song. This time Hailey doesn't do a slow reveal, she reveals her whole body.

"Hailey!" I yell "Oh jeez Hailey." I look at her stomach, she's preganat. 

"Ayla! You're alive."

"Hailey, you need to leave. Leave no-!" Soon a peice of a building comes crashing down on my house, I fly back from the crash and my ear start to ring.

I hear a muffled sound, I slowly start to wake up "AYLA!" I turn to see Hailey.

"You have to leave..." I say, I start to gain my hearing and move my body. "Hailey you have to leave now, it's not safe for you or the baby. I beg of you."

"What about you?" 

"Don't worry about me." Soon I see her mates head that I forgot the name of "You! Take her far away from here at once, please. She's in danger, her and the baby." His eyes widen, he grabs Hailey's fin hand and starts to pull her.


"I LOVE YOU HAILEY!! ALWAYS REMEMBER THAT!" I yell as I see her head go down underwater, I start to sob in my hands.

AYLA! I look around and see no one AYLA GET OVER HERE NOW WE NEED YOU


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