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Third person

It has been 100 years since Nemesis has seen her daughter, Cassie and Adam. The last few days she had before she left she got to know Adam, he helps Cassie with her groceries everyday and helps her with the garden without getting paid. She has also grown to like the boy, she doesn't know what has happened over the 100 year and boy is she in for a treat.

During the 100 years, Eve and Adam has grown quite close. They are kind of dating in a sense, they've kissed and all and Cassie is very much for it. The only thing is that Adam is quite close with God because he runs errands for him. Adam introduced Eve to God, saying they are kind of an item and God didn't mind this until he saw Eve.

The most beautiful lady he's every seen, every time God say Eve and Adam close he got jealous and wanted to do something about it. Every time Adam went on an errand he was able to have Eve to himself and touch her, that was his favorite thing. Holding her hand was the most he could do but he enjoyed it very much.

He has grown to hate Adam and Adam has noticed the change, he didn't think much of it but he didn't like that he was getting distant with his friend. Today Nemesis was coming back and Adam and Eve were going to ask her to make them mates. They already think they are but they would like her permission because she has to talk to God about it. 

Nemesis walked through the village, she didn't see any familiar faces since it has been 100 years. She knocked on Cassie's door and Eve answered the door.

"Mother!" She hugged her tightly, Nemesis hugged her back but then she realized her daughter was dirty and staining her dress.

"Eve." She warned "Why are you filled with mud?"

"Oh uh.." She pulled away from the hug "Sorry mother, come in though." She walked in and saw Adam cooking in the kitchen "Cassie is upstairs, she's near the end mother." She says sadly

"I understand darling, everyone is going to expire. I will go up and visit her." As Nemesis visited Cassie she served her food and made sure she ate it all, once everyone was done eating she could tell something was bothering her daughter.

"What is it you want to ask?" She says calmly, Adam and Eve were shocked.

"We want to go to God and become mates." Nemesis pauses from drinking her tea, she puts in down and let out a sigh.

"Yes of course, how about we go tomorrow?"

"Wait really?" Eve said

"Well of course, if you really want to be mated. I trust your judgement and I trust Adam."

"Thank you so much ma'am."


As they walk to God who is sitting at his desk happy that he will be seeing his Eve "Hello your Honor, I have come here for you permission to let my daughter Everly and Adam become mates." Nemesis says professionally, God's smile shrinks, he has to per perfessional. 

"Let me think, I will come back to you very soon."

"You've had 100 years Jack!" Eve yelled, Nemesis and Adam were shocked that she just used his first name "Why are you making us wait longer? It makes no sense!" 

"You are dismissed."

"No I-" Nemesis puts her hand over her daughters mouth and sends God and apologetic smile.

"Thank you for your time, please keep up updated." Once they were out the building she glared at her daughter "What is your problem Everly! You cannot just call him by his name, that is disrespectful!"

"He lets me call him that all the time, I just don't understand why we have to wait more!"

"Because he has to study you Eve! He wasn't studying you during the 100 years, he has to make sure you guys are a good match!"

"Are you saying we're not a good match?!"

"No Eve-"

"Save it, you can't just come back bossing me around when you haven't been in my life for 100 years! I don't even know why I asked you, you're nothing but a stranger to me."

"Eve-" Before Nemesis could say anything, Even grabbed Adams hand and teleported to a forest.

"Eve that was little harsh don't you think, she brought us there and tried. She's not aloud to argue with him, you're lucky we personally know him for else you would've gotten into some serious trouble." Adam says as he lays against a tree, Eve sat next to him and laid her head on his shoulder.

"I will apologize but first I just want to relax." 

"Hello there friendz." Someone says (He has a lisp), they turn and see an odd person. "What ya doing out here in the woodz?"

"Oh just to calm down, sorry if we distirbed you." Adam says starting to get up

"No, no bother at all.... here iz zome fruit. The bezt apple in the forezt." He hands then a single red apple, it's so clean you can almost see your reflection through it. Eve started to get worried and looked at the stranger, he had a blindfold covering his eyes, she wondered how he could see. 

"Oh thank you but no thank yo-" She started

"Come one Eve, it's just an apple right dude?" Adam said taking the apple from the man sending him a smile

"Yez... juzt and apple, go ahead. Eat it." 


"Eve come on, I know you're hungry." He takes a bite to show her there's nothing wrong, she let's out a sigh and takes a bite right after him. Once she swallowed they both started to choke on it, she glanced back at the apple at it was moldy crawling with worms and maggots. She looked around for the man but he was no where in site soon everything went dark. 

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