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I'm not THAT cruel to leave you guys there but just wanted to thank you guys so much for reading this but sadly the book is coming to an end. Thank you all for reading, I'm so happy you guys are enjoying it. 



Everything is black, I see nothing. It looks like I'm in a dark room but there's a light above my head and it only follows me. I look down at my clothes and I'm in a beige bra and underwear making it seem like I am naked. The room has water on the ground, about two inches. 

"Hello?" I say

"Hello." I look around to see where the voice came from 

"W-who's there?"

"I am-" A face pops in front of me "-your father."

"I don't have a father."

"You are right, I did not have sex with your mother." I scrunch up my nose in disgust "But I was with her when she made you, I got sick. Died. Sadly never got to meet you. I was one of the most powerful people in Heaven, God didn't know about me because if he did he'd kill me. My dying wish was to make sure I am implanted in you."


"Yes, my powers transfered to you. You already being made by my dear wife makes you pwerful but with mine in there as well... you are unstopable. We always knew something was wrong with God, I went through hsi files and did some research. I found out he's a phsycopath, no feelings. He needs to be stopped."

"Why am I here?"

"You're dead." My heart stops "Of course not really though, with me in you. It's almost impossible for you to die, your wounds are healing itself as we speak."

"Why are we only talking now."

"Well because you never needed me before, I will always be here when you die but that's not an invitation for you to go and kill yourself to talk to me."

"Yes, of course."

"Ah, one more minute."


"Shhh." I close my mouth "Now, listen. You can make items with you light, you can manipulate air. You can control all elements, you are Gods one threat and enemy by the food chain."

"Dad I-"

"3 seconds."

"No dad!"

"I love you." I wasn't in the room anymore, I heard sound. Mainly someone singing and dancing,  I move my finger slightly and then my toes. I look around and see Luciano unconscious next to me, his head crack open. I hold in a sob as I also see my mother bleeding on the ground. 

I look up to see him dancing saying he won, I get up and made a scythe blade and stab him straight in the heart. His head turns around a full 360. "You're supposed to be dead." He whimpers out, I push him and he falls. 

"By Earth and Air. By Fire and Water, So shall you hear my call. Powers of birth and rebirth, powers of silence and peace. Heal them." I float in the air as I cant, waves of a gold light flows into their bodies and I see all of their wounds fixed. I feel myself weaken, I start to fall, I feel my eyes get heavy.

I didn't hit the floor, I ended up up a pair of strong arms. "My strong little Angel, we're proud of you and thankful." I look up at Luciano who has a million dollar smile on his face.

"Luci." I whisper

"We're going to have to talk about that once we get back home." 

"Home. I like that." 

"I do too." He kisses my forehead "Can you stand?"

"Yes." He places me on my feet but keeping his hand around my waist, I see mother, Apollo, Lester and Ares getting up. Once they were up they smiled at me "Lester, come on home. We miss you." Luciano says

"Bye my dear." Lester kisses my forehead before walking into Luciano and disappearing

"I see you two have gotten close."

"Well that's what happens when you're stuck with one of your demons that you rudely kicked our!" I pouted Luciano was about to reply until we heard a scream, I turn to the noise and saw God holding a girl that looked like me. 

"She's coming with me.... me love!" He was at the edge.. the edge of everything. Once you fall, you end up in Earth a fall to your death. 

"No!" Luciano yells, he runs to the girl and grabs her from him and pulls God back up. "Bind him!" Mother steps forward and puts him in magical chains holding him in place. 

My eyes turn back to the girl in Luciano's grasp, I don't know why but I was hurt. They start to walk towards us and I keep my eye on the girl. "Meet your sister, Eve." Luciano says, I have no reaction. I continue to stare at her, she then has the audacity to hide behind him. I make a confused and disgusted look. 

I push her off of him and pull him towards me, he just chuckles and pats my head "Calm down little one. I would never leave you, now... who is your new mate."


"Ahh." Luciano looks over at Apollo "You didn't touch her did you?"

"Well..I-Uh. I-Uh"

"He tried to but Lester protected me, he has developed and is quite nice. No need to interrogate him." Luciano just glares at Apollo who shrinks under it

Then there was a lighting bolt. 

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