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I woke up to a familiar sent, I open my eyes to see Luciano with his arms wrapped around my waist and burying me in his chest. I slowly lift up his arm and climb down the bed, today I was supposed to meet with Hailey. I make sure to make no noise as I get ready for my day, I put on my usual white gown. I write a letter saying 'Going to see a friend, will be back soon' on the bed side. 

I walk around Hell and finally find a door for me to leave in, I spread my wings and fly up. I make sure to take the route that I won't be noticed by any humans, once I'm at the gate one of the guards walk up to me.

"Oh Ayla, how are you today?" Sylas says, I've known him for a while. When my mother leave for Earth I walk her to the gates and Sylas is always there.  

"Hi Sylas! I'm doing fine, just coming back to visit." 

"I heard you were mated with that monster." He starts to open the gates for me


"Yes, Luciano. Son of Lucifer, Prince of Hell and soon to be King, the Destroyer of Earth." I give Sylas a weird look, I don't think we're even talking about the same Luciano.

"Yes... Luciano. Well I better get going, see you later Sylas!" I wave good-bye and flock away not wanting to talk about my mate behind his back anymore, What did he mean by 'Destroyer of Earth' Luciano looks like he wouldn't hurt a fly. 

I soon see my house in view, I land in front of the door and knock. Mary, one of my mother assistance, opens the door and greets me with a big smile.

"Oh hello Ayla!"

"Hello Mary, where's mother?"

"She's getting a dress fitting... we're at the corset part." My mother looks good in absolutely anything but when it comes to corsets she can go crazy, she absolutely hates them. They don't even put it that tight since her body is small and curved. 

"In the name of Heaven! If you don't pull harder I will curse you!!" I hear my mother yell, I walk in to see 5 girls pulling on my mothers corset. I let out a giggle and my mother snaps her head towards me and her mad angry face soon turns into happiness. "Daughter!" She walks towards me and hugs me.

"Hello Mother, I'm here for my picnic with Hailey." 

"How lovely, Mary make them some food please." Mary walks to the kitchen and starts to prepare "Ok lets go to the lake." Mother says smiling hooking her arm with mine, we walk together to the lake. 

"In a few seconds she will be here." I say happily "I've missed you." I smile at my mother

"I've missed you too... has Luciano done anything to you?" 

"Why is everyone saying that, they think he's done something bad, called him Destroyer of Earth and how he's a monster."

"Well honey it's not my place to say anything about him but you will tell me if he ever does something you don't like or if he hurts you right?"

"Of course mother but that time will never come, I promise you that." I look towards the water and see bubbles "She's coming!" then I see another fair of bubbles form next to it. I see half of Hailey's face and then half of a males face "Hello Hailey! And man." 

Hailey flops out of the water and grabs a towel "Ayla! Mother!" She wraps herself with it once she gets her legs and hugs us "Meet my mate, Tristan." I turn my head to see a naked man but has a towel wrapped around his waist.

"You're a transformer!" I say shocked, it's very rare for sirens to be able to change from human to siren forms.

"Uh.. yes." He nods

"Well, don't want you kids freezing out here. Come inside, Tristan I should have some clothes for you." Mother says


Once we were done getting to know Tristan and eating, Hailey said they have to go because Tristan isn't that used to the surface environment. "Well I have to go too, Luciano is waiting for me." I say standing up

"Luciano?" Tristan says

"Oh yes, he's my mate."

"Oh... that's cool." Weird We walk out together and say good-bye to mother, I start to fly to the gates. 

"Hey Sylas!" I say happily

"Oh Ayla, you're not going back are you?"

"Why wouldn't I be?"

"Well... Luciano is on a rampage. No one knows the reasoning, word is he might go to earth." 

"You have to let me through!"

"I'm sorry Ayla but I don't want you to get hurt-"

"LET ME THROUGH SYLAS!" Sylas's eyes widen in shock that I'm actually talking back, he quickly unlocks the gate and I fly as fast as I can to hell. 

Once I'm at the gates they let me in, I run towards the castle the doors a broken open I hear items falling down to the floor and braking, I hear screaming. I run towards where the noise is coming from and there I see my mate about to eat one of the servants, his eyes are fully black with no trace of white, his horns have fully grown and his wings are out. 

I feel fear take over me but then quickly realize that this is my mate and not some demon.


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