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I sit there watching as the girl hugs her maker good-bye, it didn't go unnoticed that his hands were quite low on her back. I growled as a warning and he quickly lifted his hands up onto her back, her maker left only leaving me, father and her. Zai left to his room because he was tired and he was bored of the rules he's heard 3000 times.

"Now, Aubrey. My son here will show you to you new room." I raise my brow not expecting this

"I'm sure she can find her way."

"Son..." He growled as if testing me, I roll my eyes and hop off the arm rest and walk past the small girl. I hear her footsteps following mer.

"You're a demon yet you have horns?" I hear her ask

Let me inform you on some information real quick. The main way to tell a devil apart from a demon are there horns, demons and devil's skins are various colors and races, there are also red skinned ones as Aubrey is. It is rare for a demon to have horns and if they do that means they are high power. If you really want to know the difference if you see both a devil and a demon with horns, are there eyes. Devils are made/ born with black eyes, pure black eyes with no white in them. Demons on the other hand have normal eyes, they don't have normal colors though. They have usually red, pink, purple or orange, the only time a demons eyes would be full black is when one of their demons take over or when their mad.

Ok now back to the conversation.

"Yep." Is all I could say

"Luc is your father?"

"Lucifer." I correct

"Yes... Luci-"

"But it's king, your highness or majesty to you."

"Yes, King is your father?"

"Yes he is." She was about to say something else but I didn't want to hear her fucking voice anymore. "We're here." I stop in front of a black door that is her room

"Oh see you later...." I knew she was asking for my name even though she knew it

"You know it, stop acting innocent, it's a real turn off I mean your boobs are already one." I say getting annoyed, I turned around and head towards my room I can feel her gaze on my back as I head to my pitch black room with no trace of light anywhere. Just how I like it.


"Ayla I must go now, you will meet him soon I promise you that." Hailey says as she begins to strip in front of the lake, I was crying knowing I won't see her for long. Days in the water are different than days out here, in the water she has been gone for a few hours but out here she's been gone for 3 days. 

"I will miss you, promise me you won't forget our usual time?" I pout sniffing as she dives into the water splashing me a little, I see her head rise up to the surface and she's her blue toned skin again.

"I promise, I will see you in a week... or well two days for me." She smiled "Now stop crying, tell mother I say good-bye." I nod waving good-bye as her head disappears in the water, I already miss her. I grab her clothes and walk into the house starting my chores, as Hailey was here she was able to learn what every word meant, it went by faster since my mother was here the whole time helping her. 

I smile as I remember the pillow fights I had with Hailey, she's my sister and I love her with all of my heart. I hear foot steps and I see my mother "Hello mother!" I say with a wide smile

"Oh dear did I miss her?"

"Yes, she wanted me to say 'good bye' for her. She started to get dry, she tried waiting but it got too much." My mother nods understanding, she opens the front door to most likely go check the mail. She comes back with an unopened envelope and a serious face.

"Oh what's that?" I ask curiously, leaning forward.

"Oh nothing dear, just the submission to pay the rent this month!" But she just paid it... yesterday.  

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