Chapter Eighteen

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Something happened when I was reading the comments of the last chapter and some got deleted so instead of singling out the people who commented I decided to just do a general shout out so as not to offend

General shout outs to everyone!!...he he:-P

Storytime :-)


Charlie's POV:

The sweet matallic scent of my mate's blood fills my nostrils. The other trackers and pack members follow close behind, all of us now in wolf form in search of my mate. I was shaking with anger when a tracker informed me of what they had found.


So much blood and from one small whiff I knew it was my mate's...but also Alison's and Dani's. I had shifted on the spot consumed with rage and took off in the direction the blood was coming from. My wolf was almost in full control, his nose leading us to my mate.

An hour later and we had lost it. The trail had suddenly stopped out of nowhere which made no sense. I refused to stop though. I circled the area repeatedly looking for anything we might have missed. But I always ended up in the same spot in the end.

With nothing.

Frustration and anger was consuming me and I evidently couldn't see straight. I was angry. No! Enraged! How dare they take my mate! And hurt her no less! Images of that bastard dying slowly at my hands fill my head, each one more gruesome than the next. I long to feel the satisfaction of knowing that b@stard Kyle is dead, six feet under, gone and no longer able to bring harm to my mate, pack and family.

* "Come on dude. You've been at it for hours. We'll continue with the search but you should get back to your kids. The girls are still shaken up." Looking to my Beta I see the determination in his eyes. I knew he wasn't going to give up for it was his mates scent that we were following also.

Sighing I slowly nod my head.

* "Alright but if you find anything, ANYTHING, you mindlink me immediately, got it?"

He nods. "Yes Alpha." He barks at the remaining group of trackers, leading them through the forest and out of sight.

I quickly make my journey back to the pack house wanting to see my kids. I berate myself at my thoughtlessness. How could I be so careless? To forget my kids especially the girls? I'm such a horrible father!

Feeling my shoulders slump at the thought I shift behind a tree and swiftly change into my change of clothes. I open my mind link to locate them once I enter the house even though there was no need. I could easily guess where they all were. Going on instinct I make my way up to the kids bedrooms. Pack members bow respectfully while passing me and I half heartedly acknowledge them.

Standing at the end of a long corridor, the kids bedrooms on either side I stare bewildered at the scene in front of me. Josh, Victor, Jason, Mason and Damien are all sitting outside one of the rooms with solemn and worried expressions. I feel their worry and anxiety through the link and my wolf claws at the surface trying to get out to comfort them.

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