Chapter Twenty Six

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Charlie's POV:

Staring at my mate I feel utterly lost. My wolf wants to drag Kyle back from the pits of hell just to kill him all over again. He had hurt my mate and looking at her now just broke my heart. She won't let me get near her. She looks so broken and I just want to hold her, comfort her but when I get closer the look of pure fear crosses her sweet face once more.

She had stopped screaming a few minutes ago but quite abruptly to be honest and then she started to look at something to my right. I was hoping to find something but when I turned around to look I of course found nothing but a dirty wall.

The same thing had happened when Jake was here but she always brought her attention back to me. My wolf was feeling selfish after not having her for so long. I haven't been able to get her attention since. It worried me. She's hallucinating but severely by the looks of it.

Katie's POV:

'Baby listen to me.' I stare up at Austin. (A.N her first mate if you have forgotten)

'Listen to him. Listen to him and not the voices.' His voice is pleading just like when he first appeared.

He had just showed up when Charlie was trying to get closer to me. I was overwhelmed with emotions at the sight of him. I was so happy to see him but I was also saddened because he's dead. He's gone and he will never return. He broke my heart all over again.

'Why do you listen to them Katie? The voices. They are just in your head. None of the things they say are true. I thought you knew better.' He says exasperated.

I always hated when he was disappointed in me so seeing him looking at me as if he wants to slap some sense into me made me feel even worse.

''But they're so loud.'' I whisper pathetically. He says it like it's so easy but nothing could be harder. I always end up succumbing to my thoughts which was never a good thing. It made me feel cold, empty and alone.

His expression changes to one of sorrow.

'I know baby but if you block them out then you won't feel so angry and lost. You're hurting your mate.' He points to a sitting Charlie who I hadn't noticed sat close to me just staring and evidently waiting. But for what?

I clench my fists, anger beginning to bubble.

''He doesn't want me.'' I mutter lowly. It's hard to keep the bitterness from my voice. I always slip up.

'Baby girl I didn't take you for stupid.' Mouth open wide I stare at him in shock. He just called me stupid!

His chuckle breaks me from my inner rant.

'Don't look at me like that. You're the one stupid enough not to think that your mate loves you with every fibre of his being. What about your kids, huh? They need their mother so why are you here and not holding them in your arms. You've slowly been tearing yourself apart by listening to those voices in your head. I know that they've slowly been eating away at you. For goddess sake you even began hallucinating to the point where you couldn't decipher between what was fake and what was reality!' His voice had risen and he only ever did that when he was serious about something. I frown in confusion.

"When did I-"

'The night you 'saw' Charlie and Josh. They were just figments of your imagination. Do you really think Charlie would ever move on from you? Do you actually think your kids would put up with anyone who isn't you?'

That was fake? But it felt so real. I feel my mood instantly plummet. How could I be so naieve?

'Hey now don't get that look on your face. I know your beating yourself up so stop it. There's an easy way to fix this. Suppress the voices...they'll of course stop once the drugs wear off. And talk to your mate.'

His form starts to fade. I reach out in panic.

"Wait! Austin! Come back!"

His smiling face slowly dissappears and once again he leaves me.

"Katie?" Charlie's voice is timid and I turn shocked. He's always so confident but looking at him now I can see the situation has done a number on him. What's worse is the hurt expression he wears.

"Yes?" You can barely hear what I say but I don't bother to speak louder. Of course he hears anyway thanks to his werewolf hearing.

"I've missed you." The raw emotion shining in his eyes causes tears to spring in mine.

All I can do is stare. I couldn't speak. Is he lying? Was Austin right? That he hadn't moved on? Only one way to find out.

"Did you- I mean have you-"

How do I word it? How do I ask him without hurting him or making him mad?

Shaking my head I decide against it. I'll find out soon enough.

"Let's go. The kids are dying to see you." I flinch at his choice of words. He looks apologetic as he bends down to my height. I have to stop myself to lean away from his touch. I didn't want to hurt him. He looks up for confirmation and I nod my approval albeit reluctantly.

His arms hook up under my legs and around my back as he lifts me fluidly off the cold floor. I swallow a gasp at the shocks running up and down my arms or his warmth wrapping around me like a blanket. I would be lying if I said I hadn't missed this feeling.

Without another sound I let him carry me away from the room that has been my living hell for goddess knows how long. Ignoring the looks from the other people standing around I turn my head towards Charlie's chest forcing myself to fall asleep and escape. Even just for a little while.

Dani's POV:

One of the young male warriors helps me up the steps and into the pack house. I stop at the entrance feeling a rush of emotions all of a sudden.

"Are you alright?" I snap myself out of my thoughts and nod at him. He smiles comfortingly.

"I say you won't have to wait long before-" His sentence is cut off by a shriek making me jump. I spin around just in time to catch a flying body. I stumble back but steady myself and wrap my arms tightly around a now sobbing Rachel. Looking over her shoulder I see all my other siblings making me grin wider.

I stumble my way over and hug each one tightly. I had missed these moments but I'm just glad to be back. From the corner of my eye I see Beta Chris walk in with his arm protectively around my aunt Alison who is curled into his chest. They walk off probably to get her checked out. I lose interest quickly so I turn away and put my attention back to my siblings.

They all start talking at once asking questions. I feel a bit overwhelmed as a headache begins to form. Dad walks in with mom in his arms saving me from an interrogation.

"Mom!" Everyone runs over all shouting and screaming their love. They all want to hug and kiss her but I notice her slight hesitation. She soon relaxes after a few words from Charlie in her ear. I know I'm not the only one to notice the dead look in her eye and deduce that my mom came back changed. I just hope she can get better. Charlie immediately starts making his way to the infirmary calling the pack doctors to follow.

Turning to Damien I nod towards the den.

"Come on let's move away. They will be bringing in the others and well...they'll need the space." They nod understandingly and with a little help I follow them down the corridor. Dakota runs over with Josh in tow. They smile up at me and carefully gripping each hand they start pulling me after the others.

Despite everything that's happened I can't keep the smile off my face.


Thank you for all the votes and comments and thank you to those who added my book to their reading lists and those who followed me! Feeling the love<3

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Sinead xx

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