Chapter Twelve

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Shoutouts to                @CandleValentine




Thank you for your comments on the earlier chapter!!


Dani's POV:

I only wanted to see the new swimming pool. I love to swim so it wasn't exactly unusual that I wanted to see the giant new heated pool that the spa was having built along with a jacuzzi. It was by chance that one of the workers of the spa offered to take me to have a look.

I should have noticed her eagerness as she gripped my arm and pulled me away from my sisters. I should have listened to my wolf when she said something wasn't right. I should have stayed close to the group, I wasn't supposed to wander. I remember looking over my shoulder as I was pulled forcefully through some double doors. The womans grip tightened as I struggled against her iron grip. I couldn't see Luke, my guard as I got further and further away. I should have listened to my mom when she said to stay with Luke no matter what. I should have listened to my wolf when she told me to run. I should have listened because maybe if I had then I wouldn't be in this mess.

A lone tear escapes my eye and runs slowly down my cheek. I sniffle causing my captor to pull on my hair. A gloved hand covers my mouth and another two hold my arms and legs. I try to scream but they are unfortunately muffled by the leather glove. Tears pour out of my eyes as I stare at the woman who I thought was being nice and who I stupidly trusted. A flash of guilt and sadness cross her features before she masks them quickly. I kick and punch with all the strength I can muster until I feel a sharp pinch on my arm. I desperately try to call for help through my packlink but my vision blurs as I feel the hands release and my body to land heavily on the concrete floor. Just lovely.

Unknown POV:

This wasn't supposed to happen. It wasn't planned to go like this. We were just supposed to take one so that we could get a ransom but of course they had to get greedy and want to kidnap more so they could get more money. I didn't want to do this. Especially to a child. If I had a choice then I would just walk away. But I can't. There's too much at stake.

I have to do it for her.

I look down at the unconcious body as my bosses men run around making way too much noise. If someone hears us then we're all in trouble. I look over my shoulder as my bosses second hand man walks towards me. I bow my head just like I had been taught. I knew better then to look anyone in the eye. The beatings weren't worth it. My cheek stings as my head whips to the side. Michael slowly puts his hand down and I try to blink back the tears. Silence fills the room and I try to hide my face when I realise that we both held the attention of the men in the room.

"You didn't do your job." His steely voice growls. 

"I-I got the girl." My voice wavers showing my true emotions. I was utterly scared of Michael.

"Indeed you did but you also gained the attention of some of the family members who are now on their way. If this mission goes any different than what is planned then you can bet that you wll be living the rest of your life in serious pain."

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