Chapter Twenty Seven

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Charlie's POV:

The infirmary is bustling with noise and activity. We have three pack doctors caring for the injured but some of the women have volunteered to help aswell. Looking around the packed beds with the female prisoners in all types of distress my mind swirls with plans.

There is so much to do. I need to get everyone cared for firstly. Then I need to start researching and calling up packs about missing persons. If no one claims the lost females then I'm more than happy to welcome them into my pack.

Jake sits next to his mate who I just recently met. I've never seen him so happy but I know how it feels to find your mate for the first time. He introduced me with a massive grin on his face and it only got bigger when I immediately welcomed her into the pack.

I couldn't hide my surprise when I was introduced to their son, Ollie. One look into his little blue peepers and I felt my heart melt. He is an adorable baby. Brooke explained what happened and I couldn't feel more proud of my new friend for stepping up and becoming a father to a newborn and accepting his mate without hesitation. Not that I thought he wouldn't. It's just I know first hand how it feels when your wolf takes over at the thought of someone else having a child with your mate. Stupid things can happen or can be said when your wolf is in control.

I move my gaze over to my Beta who has his mate wrapped tightly in his arms. From what I could tell she hadn't spoken much and Chris looked crushed. The doctors informed me that she wasn't hurt much just a small head injury which will heal soon. Dani was thankfully uninjured as well but from what I was told by Jake's mate my brave daughter helped with Ollie being born. I need to talk to her later.

I'm brought out of my thoughts by loud sobbing and I knew instantly that it was my mate. Spinning around I storm my way over to her distressed form lying on one of the hospital beds. Her cries had attracted the whole rooms attention. Her cries sound pitiful and full of sorrow causing a tug at my heart.

What could have have brought this on?

Wrapping her in a warm embrace I rock her back and forth as she continues to sob. Turning at the solemn doctor near by I look at him accusingly.

"What did you do?"

My chest rumbles with a growl but it turns into a purr when I  feel my mate rub slow circles on my chest where her head is buried. Forgetting our audience I pull her closer kissing the top of her head. She continues with her ministrations and that's when I realise she was doing it to calm me down but also herself. Her cries have stopped to small hiccups. I would have laughed at the adorable sound but I was more worried about why this all happened in the first place.

Lifting my head up I glare at the waiting doctor. He shuffles nervously on his feet under my gaze.

"I was checking the Luna's condition when she started crying-"

My angry growl shuts him up.

"I told you not to do anything unless I am by her side! Did you not hear me or did you just choose to disobey my order?!" I roar. He flinches shaking his head.

"I'm sorry sir. I didn't mean to upset the Luna!" His expression is distraught and I knew his wolf was taking it hard knowing his Alpha is angry at him but also that he upset his Luna.

Nodding stiffly I gesture for him to continue. As he examines my mate the door opens and the other doctor steps in and makes a beeline for us. Her face is solemn making my stomach turn.

"What is it doctor?"

Katie squirms in my arms as the doctor tells us that she had just gotten the results back for my mate. I stare at her in shock.

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