Chapter Twenty Eight

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Thank you all for sticking with me and this story but sadly it has finally come to an end:-( But for those of you who would like to see more of our favorite characters I will be writing a sequel:-P Goodbye for now:-) Slán!

Mushy ending but whatever;-)


Charlie's POV:

A month goes by fairly quickly and a busy month it was. My mate started to heal very slowly her back now covered in jagged scars. The drugs were successfully pumped out of her system and thankfully there was no side effects like the doctor had told us might happen. The voices stopped too, much to my mate's relief.

Over the past month everyone had volunteered in making the pack house wheel chair friendly. I had ramps installed so my mate can get around easily. It took her awhile to get used to the chair but with physical therapy she has strengthened her upper body and has being looking better every day. She smiles more and laughs which makes me and my wolf smitten. We have been spending time together with our family cherishing every second.

Katie unfortunately suffers from nightmares every night. Her screams pierce the air and they are so frightening the first few times the kids were crying hysterically, not knowing what was happening. It takes awhile for the haunted and empty look to leave her eyes but by morning she pretends it never happened.

We haven't had any rogue sightings recently. I had the patrols doubled until I feel it's safe. My wolf is still protective. The training commenced a few weeks after the attack led by the kids of course. I've seen a noticeable improvement and with Katie's encouragement from the sidelines it is no wonder.

There are times when I find myself looking at Katie just to check on her. I know she would just roll her eyes if she found out but I can't help but worry. I catch her staring off into the distance not aware of what's happening around her. She becomes lost in her thoughts and when she's brought back to the present she ignores the concerned looks thrown her way.

Katie's wolf Rose finally showed herself. Katie was overjoyed to half a part of herself back. The drugs kept her away but now that she's getting better Rose was able to become strong enough once again. It was only last week when Katie wheeled herself into my office with a nervous but happy expression. She then went onto tell me that Rose brought up the idea that if she shifted she might be able to walk. The idea never occurred to me with everything going on lately. I was unbelievably nervous. I didn't want to get my mate's hopes up in case it didn't work.

We had stepped outside and as if knowing their Luna needed privacy the pack members left with smiles and nods our way. I had lifted Katie out of the chair and placed her on the ground. I knew the shift was going to be painful since she hadn't shifted in quite some time but thankfully it wasn't as bad as her first shift. That's not an experience I want her to encounter again.

She had closed her eyes and the first bone broke. After some time her beautiful black and white wolf lay in front of me. Then came the tense part. She had taken deep breaths as her wolf gave her a pep talk. I was right beside her in my wolf form ready to comfort her if needed. To be honest I wasn't expecting it to work but I was hoping for my mate's sake that it did.

And goddess did it work. My mate had finally plucked up the courage and shakily stood on her front paws and then her back. It took a few tries until she was on all fours and the cry of joy from her lips made my heart swell. She yipped and the noise eventually attracted everyone outside including our kids. Everyone was ecstatic at the sight of their Luna happily prancing around the place.

She tired easily and when she was contently clothed and sitting in her chair she burst into tears. She quickly reassured me that they were in fact happy tears so I had nothing to worry about. She began to run in wolf form and strengten all those muscles she had lost. Now she didn't need to sit on the sidelines when it came to training in wolf form when training.

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