Chapter Twenty Three

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Thanks to @inisha and @trina1010 for your comments:-) Sorry it took so long;-) This is for you guys, enjoy!

A two chapter update:-)


Dani's POV:

Watching Brooke with her new son made me smile. I haven't had a reason to smile in some time so I was savouring the moment. Brooke decided to call her little baby Ollie as it was Mia's last dying wish and she wanted to honour her for giving her such a cherished gift. The name suited the little bundle. His beautiful baby blues could melt a grown man's heart when he peered up at you.

Once he was born the guards had taken a minute to look at him. I thought my eyes were deceiving me but I caught their faces soften at the sight of him but they blanked their expressions before anyone could see. They had gently gripped Brooke's arm as they escorted her back to her cell. They weren't as gentle with me. I rub the bruise forming on my arm.

The other women had congratulated Brooke and I for delivering the baby. Alison on the other hand was still her quiet self. She had yet to utter a word and it was really grating on my nerves. Words can't describe how scared I was delivering little Ollie. I was terrified he wouldn't make it and I knew it would scar me if something had happened during his birth.

The fact that Mia didn't make it still tugs at my heart strings but I'm glad Brooke has stepped up to take care of him. I had no one to turn to, to talk to. I expected my aunt to be there strong by my side, to be able to lean on her. But unfortunately she was dealing with her own problems leaving me to deal with mine on my own and I resented her for it.

Brooke and I have become really close lately since the addition of little Ollie. I was trying my best to keep her at ease but she was slowly starting to panic about certain things like feeding him. How are we going to get milk? Doesn't he need breast milk? I could see the questions running through her head. She was thrown into the deep end but she was doing her best to stay afloat.

Brooke's cell is beside mine. We were sitting in front of each other with the bars in between us. Ollie was clutched close to her chest sleeping soundly. I heard that newborns loved hearing their mothers heartbeat and that it easily calmed them. A sharp pain at the back of my head causes me to hiss out loud. Brooke's head shoots up and looks at me concerned.

"Dani? Honey, what's wrong?"

I couldn't speak, the pain was forming into a throb. The pain continues making me frown at the sudden appearance. It came out of no where. Brooke's concerned questions fade into the background as I try to concentrate on my headache. It wasn't a normal headache, it feels like someone nudging on the back of my head. Looking for my attention. Suddenly a thought hits me.

It couldn't be...could it?

Concentrating really hard I try to clear my mind and as I feel myself relax another presence fills my head.

* "-ni..Dani are you there sweetheart?"

I gasp and feel tears fill my eyes.

* "Dad? Dad!"

* " Sweetheart oh thank goddess you answered! Are you okay? Listen we are on our way. We know where you are and we are coming for you and your mom! Where is she? I know she's alive I can still feel her but she's not answering. Is she there?" Dads frantic voice fills my head. I could feel his emotions through the link. Worry, relief and joy.

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