Chapter Fifteen

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Katie's POV

I feel Rose come to the surface as I watch the rogues eyes as they  follow Sophie's every movement. The leader of the three, a big burly man with muscles popping out of muscles takes a menacing step forward.

A still silence falls over the small space as we all watch with bated breath at what was going to happen next. My eyes shift and I feel them brighten to a glowing gold color.

The rogue chuckles looking back at his two friends obviously waiting for their reaction. I could see him practically soaking in the attention as the rogues cheer him on and whisper words of encouragement.

When he turns around a small sliver of light falling through the window illuminates his face making the large scar on his face all the more visible. I shiver at the look on his face, the look of a predator stalking his prey who lays helpless before him. Something else flickers in his eyes and my wolf takes over as we identify the hidden emotion as lust.

I growl angrily smacking my hands off the cell bars,ignoring there burning in my hands. The metal sound rings through the air and successfully gains the attention of Scarface. His eyes snap to mine and he growls low in his chest, his eyes scanning up and down my body.

I scrunch my face in disgust at the thought of another male looking at me like that other than Charlie. My chest tightens at the thought of him making me unconsciously rub my chest to try and escape the pain.

But what saddens me more is knowing that the pain I feel won't be leaving anytime soon unless I'm with my mate.

I bring myself back to the present and almost jump when I see Scarface standing in front me, so close that I can feel his hot breath on my face.

Not taking my eyes off the looming sneering face of Scarface I try to figure out where Sophie is without him noticing. I let out a small sigh of relief when I sense her off to the side and safely hiding in the dark.

''Well..look 'ere boys. This one's feisty."

His eyes roam once more and  linger on my chest. A growl from deep within my chest has him smirking and then nodding as if in satisfaction. He steps back turning around swiftly muttering words to the other two rogues who had been looking on with interest.

I feel Alison try to nudge my mind but just as I am about to open my link to talk to her the rogue walks quickly towards to me. I jump in surprise when the cell door suddenly swings open with a loud clang.

Scarface stands at the cell entrance his intimidating figure striking fear in the women around me. He smirks smugly as his friends stare at me as if I'm a hidden treasure they had suddenly found. He hums softly his eyes turning pitch black.

"Mmm yes you will do."

Suddenly hands are grabbing at me from all sides. I struggle kicking and screaming and smile when I hear grunts from my captors when I hit them with my wolf strength.

A cry has my head whipping in the direction of Dani and Alison to find Dani trying to get to me, tears falling helplessly down her face. My wolf takes over headbutting Scarface who let's go of his death grip on my arm.

I step forward turning to my daughter in time to see her face twist in horror. Pain hits me full force as I crumble to the ground before my vision tunnels. I hear a voice I wish I would never hear again.

"Bring her upstairs." I try to move to escape the person I knew was just standing a foot away.

I groan and try to struggle when hands wrap around my arms hauling me roughly off the stone floor. My head lulls to the side. I can't feel my body it's completely numb. I try opening my eyes but the light makes me wince so I keep them closed and depend on my hearing to pick anything up.

Suddenly it feels like I'm floating and I can only guess that I was being carried. Dani's cries become a distant whisper and I can slowly feel myself losing consciousness once more.

Pain ricochets through my whole body, the arms suddenly letting go. I hit the floor with a loud grunt but don't make any effort to move. I simply had no energy. The blow to my head had obviously taken a lot out of me.

Footsteps echoe loudly around me, taunting me. They slowly get closer until I feel a looming presence standing over me. With the little strength I have left I force my arms underneath me and push myself onto my back, a gasp escaping my lips.

I stare into the eyes  of the man who took everything away from me.

My pack. My mate. My innocence. My chance to have kids. He ruined my kids lives. Scared them at a young age most of them having to watch a loved one being murdered in front of them.

He caused me and my pups so much pain. I had to live my life constantly looking over my shoulder because of him. Because he had claimed me like a procession and thought of me as his. My life changed the moment I met him, the moment he laid a hand on me.

He gave me scars, a constant reminder of my past, my horrors. His voice taunts me in my sleep. His words echoe in my head usually in my nightmares but unfortunately for me I never wake up from those nightmares. The ones that cause me to wake up screaming and waking up my kids . My life has changed that's for sure but now I have something to live for.

The night I lost everything was the night I finally broke. But if it wasn't for my kids, those little angels then I wouldn't be standing here today because they are the only reason why I get up in the morning.

But now I have Charlie. And the Blue Blood pack. People who actually love and care for me. People who I would die for.

Staring into the eyes of my tormentor I finally realize what I had to do. My wolf protests in my mind but I tune her out. I had to do this if it meant saving Dani and Alison, Charlie, our kids and our pack.

I had decided.

So forcing a smile onto my face  and biting back the bile that rose in my throat I open my mouth to speak the words that would hopefully save my loved ones.



Wait...what?! So ...yeah ..crazy turn of events!!!

Merry Christmas!:-D

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Lots of silent readers but let your voices be heard....if you want to that is:-)

Love ya lots like jelly tots

Thanks for reading!

Sinead xx

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