Chapter Seventeen

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Shout outs:-D

Thank you to....@inisha and @trina1010

Of course I want to thank everyone who has voted and all those silent readers:-)

It is very much appreciated xx

Onto the story...

Authors note at the end please read:-)


Katie's POV

I had to do it. It was the only way. That's what I kept telling myself.

It is the only way.

I did it for Charlie, my real mate, for my kids and for my pack. To keep them all safe. Staring into the wide eyes of the man who changed my life and has the opportunity to ruin my life at the same time, I can't help but feel sick.

What was I doing?

Rose was silent as my mind whirled with confused thoughts leaving me feeling utterly lost.

His eyes flash black as he watches me intensely. A grin suddenly takes over his face and even in this dark ....wherever I am..I can see he is somewhat handsome. When he is smiling that is.

Shaking myself from my wayward thoughts I try to make a quick plan of action. Arms wrap around me, pulling me off the cold floor. I groan as my head pounds from being hit over the head and my body aches all over.

Suddenly I am made aware of my company. He stands beside me just..staring with that smile still illuminating his face. Shifting uncomfortably I finally lift my head and look into the eyes of...wait- what's his name?


He blinks out of his trance and steps forward  making me almost fall over my feet in order to step back. Has he ever heard of some personal space?

An irrated look flashes across his face quickly before he covers it. His hand shoots out and I gasp at his firm grip which will probably end up leaving a bruise. He smiles obviously liking my reaction.

I watch tensely as his brows furrow while he stares intently at his hand on my arm.

Please don't notice the lack of sparks..please don't notice..

"You're cold." He gently rubs my arm up and down and I have to school my features from scrunching up in disgust.

This is not right. He's not Charlie.

"Who the f>ck did this?" He roars, his voice taking on a new sort of malice.

Jumping in fright I stare down at my arm where his eyes were focused on the many dark ugly bruises that were now forming and clearly visible.

Should I tell him?

"Tell me!"

"Y-You did it...and the others..."

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