Chapter Eight

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Katie's POV:

The packs follow me into the house, talking with each other as if they hadn't just met. I lead them into the large sitting room while some ladies from my pack scurry off to help prepare food.The room is filled with chatter but even over all the noise, I hear movement upstairs. More specifically, right above us.

In Damien's room.

My stomach flips as I bolt out of the room and run upstairs. I hear many footsteps behind me. I burst open the hospital door to find Sally sitting beside Damien's bed, clutching tightly to his hand. I sigh in relief.

My eyes widen when I look closely at the scene in front of me. I scream with excitement.

Damien is wide awake, sitting up with a huge smile on his face. I squeal again and run up to both of them.

I hug them close kissing them both on their heads. My wolf is howling inside my head and doing a happy dance. If you could see her now....

"My baby has found his mate." I coo. He blushes.

"Mom!" He whines. I laugh.

"How are you?" I ask stepping back to give him space.

"Great." He smiles at me and then at Sally causing her to look away blushing.

I 'awh' inwardly.This is too cute. I feel a presence at the door and turn to see Charlie with a relieved look on his face. He walks up to me, kissing me on the nose. He turns his attention to Damien.

"How are you feeling son?" He asks while sitting in a chair beside the bed.

I sit on his lap, wrapping my arms around his neck and resting my head on his chest. I'm so happy right now. I have my mate. My family. Damien is awake and found his mate.

Damien smiles at Charlie. "I'm doing good dad." He grins "I would like you to meet my mate Sally."

Charlie smiles while shaking her small hand. The door opens gently and Merissa steps in. She smiles brightly at Damien.

"Don't need to ask how you are feeling" She chuckles. Damien continues to grin like a fool.She glances at his intertwined hand.

"Ah." She says with a knowing smile.


She smiles at me reassuringly.

"I figured out what made your son wake up so early. I thought he wouldn't wake up for another day or two. Turns out..." She points to the new couple. "-the mate bond woke him up. With his mate nearby his wolf was able to recover more quickly." She explains while checking his vitals and writing down everything on her clipboard.

"Is it okay for him to see any visitors?" I ask kindly. She nods.

"If he is up for it but just make sure he rests."

Without having to be told twice I scream at the top of my lungs.


I knew every wolf in the house could hear me. I feel the kids excitement through our link. Charlie looks down at me.

"What?" I ask curiously.

"Open your pack link." I frown but comply. My heart swells when I hear the cheers, hoots and hollers. I could feel everyones happiness at the news. I smile as Charlie hugs me closer.

The door bursts open again but this time nine bodies barge in throwing themselves onto the bed. I laugh at the dog pile they formed on an unsuspecting Damien.They hug, kiss and talk to Damien telling him how much they missed him. They fill him in on everything that he has missed too. Damien introduces his mate to his siblings.They welcome her immediately. My wolf yips in pride at the sight.

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