twenty-one : training sessions

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"Are you sure?" Claudia's voice was anxious, as was the rest of her

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"Are you sure?" Claudia's voice was anxious, as was the rest of her. "I don't want to put Bella in danger."

"You won't." Emmett smiled. "Don't worry about it, Jazz's gonna control your emotions anyway. You'll be fine." Claudia nodded uneasily. "I'll be holding onto you the whole time."

"She doesn't even smell that good." Rosalie mumbled.

"Oh please." Alice snorted. "Oh! They're nearly here." Everyone seemed to go on alert now, and Claudia felt Emmett's hands wrap around her arms. "Your future is a little blurry thanks the wolf..." Alice frowned as she stood in front of Claudia. "But I can see Bella's future going well past tonight. Everything's gonna be fine, Claudia." Claudia nodded lightly, and she saw Bella and Edward appear on the other side of the clearing. Calm washed over her as Jasper stood next to her. Edward slowed to a stop about twenty feet away, keeping an arm around Bella after she slipped off his back.

"Claudia..." Bella breathed, slowly moving forward with Edward.

"Hey Bella." Claudia caught her scent as she inhaled. Sure enough, it was unlike anything she'd ever tasted before. But she didn't focus on that, she kept her mind focused on Bella standing in front of  her, keeping her as a human and a friend in her mind rather than prey.

"Wow..." Edward mumbled, and Carlisle was at his side in a second. "She's convincing herself to think of Bella strictly as a person, not food."

"I told you, Edward." Carlisle nodded. "Everything will be fine." Claudia only realized they were mumbling too quiet for Bella to hear when Bella looked up at them confused. "How do you feel, Claudia?"

"Fine." Claudia nodded. "My throat isn't even burning."

"Incredible." Carlisle nodded. They all turned when they heard the wolves approaching, and Claudia was surprised to only see three emerge from the trees. Jake, Quil and Embry.

"Sam doesn't think they all need to be here, Embry and Quil are only here as a precaution." Edward explained.

"Welcome." Carlisle smiled to them. "Jasper, shall we begin?" Jasper nodded, moving away from Claudia. The calm left her, but she still felt alright. Eventually Emmett's hands released her arms, and she went to sit with Esme, Rosalie and Alice. Thought she felt fine, she agreed that sitting as far from Bella was probably the safest option. Claudia's eyes flicked across the field to where the wolves were sitting, and she saw Embry glance at her every once in a while. As Emmett and Jasper began going at each other, Jake got up and walked over to Bella. Claudia, who'd never seen vampires fight before, found watching them fascinating. Everyone took their own turns, and eventually it Claudia's turn.

"Do you have...any experience fighting?" Jasper asked.

"Not in this form." Claudia shook her head. "When I fought Riley, I phased." Jasper nodded.

"We'll work on some basics, but it wouldn't hurt if you fought in your other form during the battle." Jasper thought for a moment. "Okay, let's begin..."

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