Chapter # 3

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Asalam o Alaikum and Hello beauties!!!!

And early update because I might be busy on Sunday...

Enjoy the update!!!


She sat on the living room couch as she played with the baby girl's hand who was sleeping without any care in the world.

"You are so cute and sweet baby... I love you,"

She kissed the baby's fist as the baby moved in her banister.

She was lost in the baby girl and her thoughts that she didn't notice someone coming there.

The person clicked her picture with the baby as they looked so beautiful. Maria looked upward when she heard her name.

"Aww, Maria... You both look so cute together...,"

"Eww, api... I am not cute... I and baby Aria are not cute... we are beautiful,"

Maria rolled her eyes as she looked at Dua who was still busy clicking pictures of them together.

"But what is wrong with the word cute? You guys look adorable...,"

Maria shook her head as she again caressed aria's hand who was smiling in her sleep making Maria smile too.

"Well, I feel weird when people call me cute... It means I am chubby or stupid... I prefer beautiful and confident,"

Dua chuckled at her words as she sat beside the duo and shook her head.

"Well you are anything but stupid... you are strong, brave, beautiful and most of all you are kind... Beauty just depends on age and with age, it vanishes but only kindness and generosity and love make us beautiful because these last forever,"

Maria smiled at her Dua Api who looked at her with so much adoration that Maria felt bad for ignoring this warmth and affection for a long time.

Last week Maria was living alone in that wooden cabin when she was surprised to her core as she saw the one person, the last person she expected to see there.


Mustafa glares at her as he moved inside the house but Maria was rooted in her place.

"Yes, Minnie... Mustafa... I heard you are being stubborn,"

She narrowed her eyes as she came out of her trance at his words. She shook her head and moved back making him stop at his place.

"What are you doing here?"

"I can ask you the same question, Maria... What are you doing here?"

"I asked the question first... And it's none of your business... I am not bound to answer you Mr. Mustafa Hamad Makhdoom...,"

She rolled her eyes and he raised his eyebrows at her attitude while his lips lifted at her confidence.

But he knew he had to be calm to handle this matter carefully otherwise this new version of his Minnie was shocking for him.

"Your life is in danger... And it is my business because you are family... My family and I protect my family,"

"Oh yeah... Then where are you for the past two years? For two years Mustafa... You are gone and we moved on... So go back and let us live our lives... We don't need you... I don't need a knight in shining armor... The door is behind you please close it when you leave,"

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