Important 📢

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Asalam o alaikum and hello beauties...

Hope you all are well and healthy at your homes with your loved ones.

This announcement might not be important for you but this is something bothering me for a few days now.

Many of you might already saw the comments and will give your opinion and share your thoughts when you see this but I don't wanna target or tell it to just one person. That's why I thought it will be more suitable and more convenient for me, to put this out.

Since chapter 37, we all know that Rania took that throne and that crown of ruling almost 50% of Mustafa fandom with her appearance.

I was very excited and shocked to witness the very unexpected and unpredicted turn of events. it only make things good and interesting for me.

But recently it's bothering me, no, before all Rania fan go crazy on me. Let me explain this from my pov, as an author.

From the past 5 chapters I have witnessed many kind of theories and concepts about what kind of person Rania can be or how she can get a better life.

It was amazing at one point but yeah yeh hype is now becoming too much and that's coming from me, the person who wrote that character.

You guys are getting too much into Rania and her personality and her darkness and her mysterious and specially her future that you have no idea about... That you have started to ignore the major plot, hints and happening in the story.

Before you all come at me with your reasonings, you can see the last 5 chapters comments and the last 36 before that. This is not fanaa vibes. And I decline to let one character who came in the end to overshadow my whole hardwork.

I am proud of what Rania character is, but I am not proud about how it's just rania. Even the great Mustafa lovers forget about his existence. And if you wanna fight me or argue, check the last chapter comments... Only one person notice Maria and Mustafa talking... Even they was not able to decode what was happening there.

Hell even what happened to Irtaza was not about Irtaza. It was how Rania shouldn't have had done that or how if only she might had some mother instincts and all.

I have said this to one of my reader earlier in the comment section, and I will say it again.

You wanna love Rania, do it all you want, but don't come at me later because you don't completely know Rania. Still if you want to love her, then don't make it all about Rania. This is not rania story, this is not her stage to shine and grab attention.

Just because she is different, it doesn't mean she can overshadow the whole damn plot. I was expecting veryyyyyyyyyyyyyy veryyyyyyyyyyyyyy veryyyyyyyyyyyyyy big and shocking reaction at the shazir revelation.

And what I got? 95% people talking, wishing and praying for Rania unknown future. Because of you guys only wanna know about Rania why I am working like a mule to complete this before new year.

Why I am working day and night, neglecting my personal health and wellness... Writing for hours to complete 10k+ updates. It's for you all, my readers, fanaa fans and especially Mustafa and Maria fans.

You can like Rania, I am not stopping you but if you want to only focus on one person then it's your loss people, I have warned you all fair and square.

Love whoever you want because I will love your reaction, I thrive on your comments. I never asked for votes because I don't need that if I don't know how my stories reached the people and what they thought about it.

But if you want to just hype one person so much that the whole cast and the plot get sidelined then let me tell you one thing, I am not happy with this.

And I am sharing this before the next update because I don't want the same thing for the next 4 chapters. Be Rania fans but at least acknowledge the whole story as it's progressing.

If you keep up with this I bet both my kidney, You can't go back to Mustafa near the end and I swear you won't like a pissed author because the urge to kill one or two people is getting stronger. Not the readers lol, the story people.

I mean you guys won't be bothered if Rania is alive so that's that.

As a person who wrote for her audience satisfaction and their satisfaction, I am sorry to tell you all I am not satisfied.

I don't want Mustafa and Maria praises, but please do me a favour, if you can't appreciate my work as whole, don't make it a debate place on Rania life.

I am sorry if anyone feel targeted but this is very important and necessary for me to inform. I have always considered my readers as my family and if I won't tell my family my concerns then who will care.

Hoping to get positive response to this, I don't want cat fight or arguements please, but if you wanna do that, please know pissed me is never good me.

I still love you all but please don't get blinded by your biased love or like to one character only.

Take this seriously though, just because I am sweet and polite, didn't mean I can't stand for my words and my characters.

I have done it before and it won't hurt me to do it again but I am not here for fight, I want to just share my concern because this is not making me feel good with my work doesn't matter how good and accomplished I should feel.

See you all tomorrow with the next update.

P.s. I am only sorry if someone feel targeted but I am not sorry because this is the truth and this is happening.

So not sorry for this people, this is my story, so this goes my way or again my way 😉😎

Allah Hafiz and ba-bye

Stay safe and happy ❤️

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