Chapter # 7

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Asalam o Alaikum and Hello beauties!!!

Another update!!!

Enjoy the update and share your opinions...


The whole room is unbearably silent, the suffocating quietness and the waves of rage coming from him were scaring everyone standing there.

It's been 45 minutes since that horrific blast, someone throws a grenade on the garden area that cause the blast.

She was a mere 15 feet away from it and his security head Laiq was luckily there to save her but still a sharpened scratch her cheekbone.

It was a little cut and nothing serious happen but they know she was shaken. Even when she doesn't admit it.

She looked like the little Maria who was always scared and looked up to him for protection, not like the fierce woman he observed since he came back.

He looked at her sitting on her bed with her mother, Aliyah beghum, and Dua consoling her but it's like she is not there.

Her eyes are glazed and fear can easily be seen through them, or he can see her fear and anxiety because from the moment Laiq came inside the house with her in his arms Mustafa didn't look away.

He quickly takes her from Laiq's arms and took her to her room and from then they wait for the doctor to came and do a check-up.

The kids are with the help because they don't want them to see Maria like this. The doctor cleaned her cheek and applied a small bandage.

"How is she?"

The doctor looked scared because this is the first time Mustafa speak but his eyes are still fixed on Maria.

"She is perfectly fine Alhamdulillah... I will give her some light mind relaxant or something to relax... She needs rest... She is fine physically but this accident shook her mentally,"

Iram beghum give a low sob as she hugged her daughter who just looked ahead without listening to anything they said.

Mustafa nodded his head and watch as the doctor injects something into her arm and with a blank face he saw her losing battle with consciousness.

The doctor gives a firm nod to Mustafa in respect who looked at Laiq to see the doctor off.

He looked at her lying figure with a sudden hurricane of emotions. He felt like someone tried to kill him and almost succeeded.

Iram beghum sobbed as she holds her daughter's hand and looked at her with a fear, a fear to lose her only family.

"I almost lose my girl... What if Laiq was not there...,"

"Nothing will happen to her... Nothing,"

The ladies turned to Mustafa who stood by the door as both Armaan and Huzaifa stood beside him on either side, looking equally angry and pained.

Armaan's phone ringed as he picked it up and after nodding at the person he passed the phone to Mustafa.

He took the phone but keep his eyes on a certain person who was sleeping like the sleeping beauty.

"Get everything ready... We are coming,"

Giving Armaan's phone back to him, Mustafa moved toward the bed and looked at Iram beghum.

"I swear on my life today... Nothing will happen to her till I am breathing... Maria will be protected and I will do it...,"

He kissed Iram beghum forehead and looked at her lying on the bed with the bandage on her cheek, that little scratch-made him kill everyone responsible for her pain and fear.

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