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"I DONT WANT TO DO THIS ANYMORE." [first name] exclaimed, looking in the mirror at the dress nanami and asuka picked out. sayou, yui, and sara were on the phone on a group facetime as they all discussed her forced 'date.'

"shut up, you look pretty." asuka exclaimed, her dark skin practically glowing.

"i don't know why you agreed when you literally hate him." sara scoffed, repeatedly clicking at her laptop before letting out a harsh 'fuck!'

"what?" sayou asked, shuffling under her covers to find a new show.

"AE crashed." sara mumbles, shutting her laptop lid harshly before sighing. "anyways. back to what we were talking about, why'd you agree?"

"YOUR boyfriend kept pressuring me, and he wouldn't leave me alone until i agreed." the [hair color] girl scoffed, doing a full 180 spin for her friends.

the dress wasn't bad; it actually hugged all her curves in the best possible way. it was also a simple dress, so it wouldn't be too grand. what was bad was where she was wearing it— just to get boba with the most popular guy in school; no biggie right?

"i don't understand why you fools have me dressed up so much just to go to the cafe down the damn street." she sighed, irritation overcoming every other emotion she felt in that second. she could strangle someone right now.

"you look pretty though. if he doesn't hit it, i totally would." nanami smirked. the white haired kid looked [last name] up and down before whistling. they were always a flirt, especially when it came to their friends.

"you do like fine as fuck [nickname]." asuka agreed.

"shut up. y'all go to fukurodani, there is no need to lie." the [skin color] girl exclaimed, smiling and sarcastically rolling her eyes.

"is he picking you up?" yui asked from the phone making [last name] groan in annoyance at her realization.

"that motherfucker's not even picking me u-" her phone ringed before she could get the last words out. she looked at it, realizing it was kuroo.

"who is it?" sara asked, finally opening her computer once more in hopes her project saved.

"your nigga." [last name] exclaimed, tired of kuroo's bullshit. she took a deep breath before answering and putting it on speaker so her friends could hear as well.

"so, i know what you're thinking. that motherfuckers not even going to pick me the fuck up." kuroo exclaimed, mimicking her voice. "well! good thing for you, he is! just text him, i'll send you his number." kuroo smiled, hanging up before she could fuss at him.

"I DONT EVEN SOUND LIKE THAT?" [last name] exclaimed, looking at her friends for confirmation who just shrugged and looked away. she rolled her eyes, watching intently as kuroo started typing.

he sent the number as well as a winky face as [last name] cringed at her friends acts.

i seriously hate that guy.


tooru dressed casually, smiling as he got the text from [last name] about where to pick her up. he hummed to himself as he fixed his jacket in the mirror, looking back at iwa who had a scowl on his face.

"what if this is a set-up?" he asked, worried for his bestfriend's well-being.

"awh, are you jealous?" tooru teased, turning around to face the black-haired male who looked at him in disgust.

he wasn't jealous, no never that. he didn't mind that his bestfriend always got fangirls or anyone he wanted. he does agree it was nice to be able to have one thing tooru didn't, but he just had a gut feeling. something wasn't right.

"no, it's common fucking sense shittykawa. she hated you, and now all of a sudden she wants to go on a date? something missing." he exclaimed, crossing his arms and closing his eyes in an irritated sigh.

"c'mon iwa-chan! maybe she changed her mind!" oikawa smiled cheekily, as he walked out the room with his bestfriend following.

"whatever, just stay safe i guess?" iwa rolled his eyes, walking out the door with tooru who locked it and made his way to his car.

"yeah yeah, i'll let you know how it goes iwa-chan!" he exclaimed, getting in the car and turning it on. he put the address in his gps, making his way down the road.

surprisingly, [last name] didn't live that far from the boba shop. pulling into the driveway and seeing two other cars — one being [last name]'s and the other one unknown (which he just assumed was her parents), he parked.

he debated for a few seconds to meet her at the door or to just text her he was outside. after letting out a small huff, he decided he'd be a gentleman and knock on the door.

after about a few seconds and a lot of shuffling, huffing, and yelling a shorter dark-skinned girl answered the door. she looked him up and down before puckering her lips and raising her eyebrows in curiosity.

she closed the door once more causing oikawa to huff in frustration. first it was hard to be her friend, let alone have her talk to him. now it's hard to pick her up?

"AYO, HE HERE!" he heard a girl yell. he heard a few footsteps towards the door, before everything went silent. he decided to press his ear towards the door and heard them whispering.

"he's fine as fuck why don't you like him?" the girl from before asked. he then heard a loud smack! noise followed by an "OW!"

the door then abruptly opened causing oikawa to stumble slightly and stand straight. [last name] looked him up and down before sighing and rolling her eyes.

"this is nanami, this is asuka." she stared blankly, pointing at her non-binary friend before pointing at her friend who was cradling her head. oikawa nodded, smiling and slightly waving at the two friends who just nodded back.

"see you later [nickname]," nanami exclaimed, wrapping their arms around her waist in a hug. she leaned into their touch before the embrace was over, and hugging her other friend.

"yeah see ya later!" asuka exclaimed, walking off to the car with nanami.

"ready to go?" oikawa asked, looking back at the [skin color] girl.

"as ready as i'll ever be." she mumbled, closing the door, and locking it before walking towards tooru's car.

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