Niall scared of the dentist

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Y/N's POV:-

Your boyfriend, Niall Horan is terrified of going to the dentist. But you know it's time for his checkup, he hasn't had one since a year now. You have to convince him to go. His best friends and your friends, Harry, Louis, Liam and Zayn have opened a clinic. Harry's the hygenist, Liam the dentist, Zayn the receptionist and Louis' also a dentist. Niall didn't want to be part of it since he's deathly scared. You had got an appointment for him. 

"Ni?", you ask going to the kitchen where Niall was eating breakfast. Niall looked at you and smiled. 

"Hey, so I wanted to talk to you about something..", you say and he nods for you to go on. 

"I took an appointment with the boys for you.", you quickly say and he stops eating mid way. 

"Huh?", he asks gulping down water. 

"Babe it's been a year, everyone needs a checkup, it won't hurt.", you say. Niall sighed. "You know I'm scared Y/N, why would you do that?", he asked sadly. You enveloped him in a huge hug. You rubbed his back and said, "I'll be right next to you Ni, I promise. They're your best mates, they wont hurt you. Besides, it is just a checkup.", you said. Niall nodded and you pulled away to give him a kiss.

"Smile?", you asked and he shook his head.

"Please?", you ask and poke his stomach to send him laughing soon enough. "Love ya princess.", he said. "I love you too Ni."

Soon, you both reached the clinic.

"Hi Niall! Y/N!", Zayn smiled at you and gave a hug to both of you.

"Hey Zayn.", you smile back. Niall was getting nervous so he just mumbled something. Zayn chuckled and swung his arm around the younger boy's shoulder. 

"It will be fine Ni, trust me.", Zayn said and Niall only nodded as he took you both to the room.

"Nialler!", Louis, Liam and Harry said in chorus as they say you. Niall hid behind Zayn's shoulder. "He's a little nervous.", you answer for him and he shoots you a glare.

"Oh, that's okay mate, it's just us.", Liam said. 

"Yeah, you know we won't hurt you.", Harry said.

"N-no, I don't want to do this.", Niall whimpered and decided to make a run for it but Zayn had him covered. "Babe, I'll be right here, please?", you say holding his hand. He looks at you and slowly nods. Louis smiled. 

"Have a seat then mate." Niall slowly makes his way to the chair. 

"Alright, so first I am going to just check your teeth, then Liam and Louis will. I will assist them while we give you a cleaning, all good?", Harry says and Niall gulps shaking his head. 

"I have an idea.", Zayn says and you all turn to him.

"Why don't Y/N have one first, so Niall can see what happens. Then he can do it.", Zayn proposes and before you can protest, Niall nods.

"Okay, switch places then.", Liam says and you sit on the chair. Harry puts on his mask and gloves while Louis and Liam say stuff to Niall. 

"I'm gonna lean your chair back.", Harry lets you know before pressing the button that causes you to almost lay down. He positions the light to your mouth and switches it on. Do be honest, you are not that comfortable with the dentist either, but anything to help Niall.

"Go closer so you can see everything Niall.", Louis suggests handing Niall a mask too. He takes it hesitantly and puts it on. Harry takes a mirror and a probe.

"This is mirror, and this is a probe. I will use this for only looking around, nothing else.", Harry explained to the both of you. Niall nodded. 

"Open love.", Harry says and you do as told. Harry puts the tools in your mouth and begins looking around, Niall checking too.

"Everything looks great Y/N!", Harry smiled at you lowering his mask to his chin and you sigh in relief, the others chuckle. 

"N-now what?", Niall asks. 

"No we check and do the cleaning.", Liam said rolling over to you in a chair along with Louis. Niall grabs on to your hand and rubs his thumb on your knuckles, scared for you. "Will that hurt her?", he asked. 

"Not a bit mate.", Louis smiled at him as he also put on the gloves. "Open up Y/N.", he said to you and you did again for him and Liam to peer over. This time though, you were a bit scared cause there are two people looking at your mouth and you opened only a bit. Liam used his gloved fingers to open your jaw wider. They start poking and prodding with you squeezing Niall's hand. Louis, Liam and Harry explained every process of the cleaning and you were done soon. 

"You did great love, your turn now Niall.", Louis said. "It didn't hurt a bit babe.", you smile at Niall and he nods taking your place in the chair. He opens for them and Niall had no dental problems, he had been wearing his retainers, there was nothing to be scared of. You both walked out of the clinic as a happy couple.

"I'm sorry.", Niall told you.

"For what?", you asked confused.

"For acting like a kid.", he pouted. You placed a kiss on his lips and he smiled. "I totally understand you were scared.", you tell him. "No need to be sorry." He smiles as he slings his arm over your shoulder. 

"What'd ya say we get some ice cream princess?", he asks grinning at you. 

"I say yes!", you say and he laughs as you both go to the nearest ice cream place.

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