Sensitivity Treatment and pranks-Dentist-Harry Styles-Anonymous request

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Y/N's POV:-

You walk down the halls of your husband's dental practice. You had just finished with work, and now you had an appointment with him, to get your teeth checked and cleaned. You don't like going to the dentist, I mean who does? But, you're not scared, or back away, because it's the person you love and trust, so all is good. 

You knock on the door before opening it. "Is Doctor Styles in?"

Harry laughs from his desk. "He sure is, and you must be my last patient of the day."

You giggle when he extends his arms to wrap around your waist when you're within his reach, and pulls you down on his lap. He was dressed in his black scrubs. 

"Hello.", he nuzzles his face into your neck, leaving little kisses there, his thumbs rubbing at your hips.

"That's ticklish!"

"I'll show you what's ticklish."

"No Harry-ah!"

Harry laughs as he runs his fingers under your shirt, hitting all your tickle spots. When you're breathless, he stops and kisses you, asking you about your day. 

"I'm here only because you said we could go to Milkshake City after this."

"I know baby, I promised.", he grins and kisses your cheek. "I'll even give you a sticker at the end."

You scoff and he chuckles, moving you to one side of his lap and pulling up your files on his computer. "What sticker will you give me?"

"Whatever you like, you can take your pick."

"You told me about your sensitive teeth, other than that, any pain anywhere? Anything you'd like me to look into?", he asks.

", just that."

"Alright, love. Better get started soon so we can go home and relax!"

Harry waved you to the chair and he got up to wash his hands. 

"Baby needs a bib.", he smirks while putting a bib around your neck and you make a face that makes him laugh.

He sat on the rolling chair and snapped on blue latex gloves, while his foot stepped on a peddle that made your chair go back, except he did quick, so you went down like you fell.


He giggles, bringing the tray of tools closer. "Come on, you liked that."

"Eh better than slowly lowering me to my death."

"I'm not gonna kill you."

"That's what every serial killer says."

He laughed, bringing the light to your mouth. "You're so funny."

"Ha ha. What the hell is that?!", I point to a scary looking tool on his tray.

"An excavator, and don't worry, I'm not using that on you okay? It's just there."

"Yeah I'm not letting you touch me with that. What do you use that for anyway?"

He brings the mirror and probe to your mouth, and stroked your bottom lip, indicating you to open. You open and he slips the tools and his fingers in, pulling cheeks, rolling lips, giving you a taste of his stupid rubber from his gloves.

"I use it for shaping a cavity and cleaning it out baby, it doesn't hurt actually."

"I don' wanna know.", you say and he chuckles under the mask. "Well I won't use it on you, unless you tell me you've been brushing twice a day?"

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