Request for Rosequeen365

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Sam's POV:-

"It's so cold!!", Louis says shivering as he comes to me, all huddled up in his jacket. I laugh as he wraps his arms around me. "Come here and give me a cuddle so I get all warmed up!"

"It was your idea to go hike in the mountains when it's snowing, and now you're complaining of the cold.", I say giggling. 

"I didn't know it would be this cold!"

"Who wants hot chocolate?!", Harry calls.

"Mee!!", I yell, getting out of Louis' grip and running to the little tent we had set up earlier. My brother Niall, and I with our best friends, Harry, Louis, Liam and Zayn had come to a nearby hiking spot in the mountains. Louis claimed it would be fun to play in the snow, make a campfire and everything that comes with it. 

It has been fun so far.

"Here you go.", Harry smiles, handing me my hot chocolate with his mitten covered hands. 

"Thanks Harry!", I side hug him as I take it. 

"You're welcome love.", he rubbed my shoulder. "Look at Lou.", he laughs, seeing Louis' teeth shatter.

"Cold, are you mate?", Liam teases. 

"Shut up Liam."

"Leave Lou alone, come inside mate, it's warm here.", Zayn smiled at Louis, being ever so sweet and caring. But doesn't miss an opportunity to throw snow on anyone who's sleeping.

"Can we go snow gliding after this?", Niall asks.

"Yes let's go!", I agree.

"We have to teach you though, you've never been before.", Zayn tells me.

"I'm a quick learner."

We drink our hot chocolates and get ready with out now gliding gear. Liam and Harry teach me, I fall on my butt a lot of times making everyone laugh. 

"Yeah there she goes!!", Liam cheers as I do it. I laugh at the feeling, it felt like I had nothing in the world to worry about, just here in this beautiful place with my favorite people.

By now I had got a grip on my gear, and was able to glide without any problem or falling too much so Harry and Liam went off. 

"Come on Sam catch up!!", Zayn laughs looking over at me. 

"Let's go down that hill!", Louis points up ahead.

Everyone agrees. 

It was all fun, until I lost balance and skid, I fell down face first, and went rolling down a side, as it was an elevation. I scream, trying to brace myself but it was too slippery.

Then I collide with a tree, and some thorny bushes, making me cry out.

"Niall!!", I call, my eyes welling up with tears. 

I don't even know if they can hear me, I was lagging behind.

I lay there crying. A few minutes later, I hear footsteps. "Sam!? Sam where are you!?", I hear my brother's concerned voice calling out for me.

"Niall!!", I shout, then sob. "Ni help me.."

"Baby I'm coming..just one second, are you okay? Are you hurt?", Niall's voice gets closer.

"I don't know..", I whimper.

"Niall she's here! Sam!" Harry finds me, and runs over. "Oh dear."

Everyone else followed Harry and came to me. "Sam.", Niall whispered in relief, grabbing my face and kissing my forehead. "You scared me half to death. I got lost in the heart's beating so fast."

"This must hurt.", Louis says, as he looks at the prickly shrubs. 

"Did you fall off?", Liam asked.

"Yeah..I just rolled over, and collided with this. It hurts."

"What hurts love?", Zayn asks, leaning down and stroking my hair back. 

"My body.."

"You've got a bruise here...did you hit your head?", he asked, touching a spot of my forehead gently.


"She might have a concussion, let's take her to the tent.", Harry says.

"Let's just take her to the hospital."

"Niall, it's almost late night, and we're on top of a freaking mountain, we can't hike down with her injured like this. We have necessary first aid, let's give her first aid and then we'll figure out what to do after assessing how bad the injuries are.", Liam says. Did I mention they're all doctors?

"Okay.", Niall nodded, so do the others.

"Bub I'll pick you up, okay? Hold on to me.", Niall said and I nod. I wrap my bruised arms around his neck and Niall lifts me up, I whimper, my leg starting to hurt. 

"'s okay, I've got you.", he coos and I bury my face in his neck.

Niall takes me back to the tent and lays me down inside, Harry slides a pillow underneath my head. 

Zayn gets their medical bag, and finds a pen flashlight while Louis wraps his fingers around my wrist, feeling my pulse. 

I wince as Zayn shines the light in my eyes. "Sorry hurts huh?"

"Uh huh, why're you blinding me?"

"Just checking if you have a concussion, which you seem to have. Move your eyes up and down?"

I look up and down. "Left and right? Kay good job. Pupils are slightly dilated.", he tells the others, keeping the light back down. Niall took the stethoscope and asked me if he could listen to my heart to which I agree. Zayn feels my head, trying to find bumps.

"Let me take care of those wounds..", Harry murmurs, taking my arm. "I'll help.", Liam said. 

"I'll be the hand holder.", Louis volunteered and smiled at me, giving me his hand to hold and I smile at him gratefully. I do need a hand holder.

It stung while Harry and Liam were cleaning my wounds and I wince squeezing Louis' hand. "Almost over babe, doing great.", Liam told me.

"Do it fast mate, my hand's gonna need a cast after this.", Louis says making me glare at him. "Just kidding love, you squeeze it as hard as you want.", he chuckled.

"Okay your heart and lungs sound good, a little bit of a congestion which I think is because of the cold. That should clear up if we get you warmed up.", Niall said. "Can I feel your tummy love? I'll be quick. It's important with falls and injuries like this."


He slipped his hands under my shirt and gently felt my stomach, it didn't hurt. "Sure no pain anywhere?", he asks.

"Mhm, nope."


"She's sprained her ankle.", Harry said, and I yelp as he touched it. 

"It's alright, it's alright, you're okay..", Louis cooed, stroking my hair. Zayn checked out how bad my sprain was and said it wasn't too bad, and that it would be okay with ice and rest. He wrapped my ankle in the sprain bandage and kept it elevated on a pillow. 

"You're alright love, just a small concussion and some bruises, you'll be fine.", Niall said, kissing my forehead. "You did great."

My bruises were bandaged, and I was all fixed up. I was getting warmer too, Louis had tucked a blanket over me and Niall was now holding me, rubbing my shoulders. "I'll never leave you alone again. I really thought you were right behind us."

"I was, and then I went tumbling down."

They all laughed. "What do we learn from this guys?", Liam asked.

"That we shouldn't take little Horan snow gliding.", Louis said.

"Nooo, that we should be prepared with first aid for any situation!", Zayn said, smacking Louis' arm and we laugh. 

Well that was a first. Snow gliding and getting into an accident. But, what's there to fear when I have my personal doctors to take care of me? I love them, Niall is my only blood related brother but by now, all of them feel like my own brothers.

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