Patient to girlfriend-Dentist imagine

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Y/N's POV:-

You have been having like this terrible toothache since a few days. Today you decided to make an appointment at the dentist because everything hurts now. Right now, you are sitting on the steel chairs waiting ouside for your name to be called, you're drumming your fingertips against the chair, nervous.

You are not scared of the dentist, you are scared of needles though. 

"Miss Y/L/N?", you heard a deep voice filled with British accent and you looke up. Oh my god. He's gorgeous. He had curly brown hair, his white doctor coat hanging around a fit body. He was wearing a light pink shirt and black skinny jeans.

"Hello, I'm Doctor Styles. You can call me Harry.", he said smiling and put out his hand. You smiled back and shook it. "I'm gonna be your dentist, follow me Miss Y/L/N.", he said walking towards a room and you followed him. Damn, he's my dentist? You thought. He looks fresh out of the university.

"Um, you can call me Y/N.", you said as he opened the door. 

"Have a seat then Y/N.", he said holding the door open for you and waving to the dental chair.

"Nice name by the way.", he said sitting down on the chair near his desk. "Thanks.", you mumbled and smiled a bit, fiddling with your hands on your lap. 

"So, you are here for first time right?", he asked looking at you and you nodded. He smiled and nodded. "Since it's the first time I'm seeing you as a patient, I need to ask you some questions love.", he said. Love. Sounded nice, you thought.

"S-sure.", you said. Harry turned back to his computer.

"Okay, Y/N Y/L/N is your full name?"


"How long has it been since your last dentist visit?"

"Uhh, about eight months."

He nodded and typed away. "And, have you gotten any previous dental work done?'

"No, not that I remeber."

"Okay, your birthday?"


"Nice, mine's in Feb.", he said and you nodded smiling. He seems nice. Making you comfortable.

"And, do you think I'm cute?"

You choke. "Just kidding Y/N. But, do you?", he asked as I got up laughing. "Um, yeah, you're pretty cute."

"Thanks!", he said washing his hands. "Oh and what brings you here? Anything bothering you or just a check up?", he asked.

"I've had this toothache.."

"Alright, you'll be pain free by the time you leave.", he said wiping his hands on a towel and he sat on the rolling chair next to you. 

He looked at you as he slipped on his gloves with a snap. "My assistant Niall, is on leave today, so I've gotta do everything.", he murmured as he put a bib around you. "You're everything here eh?", you said and he chuckled. "I guess you could say that.", he said gently brushing your hair to a shoulder as he clipped it around you. He pressed a button making you lean back slowly and he switched on the light. You felt him look at you for longer than he needed to as he positioned the light to your mouth. 

Then he snapped out of it. He took a mask and put in on his face, then grabbed a mirror and explorer, rolling over to your head.

"Alright let's have a look. Open please.", he said and you opened your mouth, his tools slipping in your mouth. You felt him looking at each tooth, scraping and poking. He finally reached the problem tooth.

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