Request for IsaMisa1234_Iguess

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Zamn's POV:-

"You're on in twenty minutes Zamn!", the stage guy tells you as you warm up for your show. You are One Direction's Opening act for this tour, and you're a violinist. You are so excited to perform for them.

"Okay!", you nod with a nervous smile.

You tune the strings once again, even through you've checked it a lot of times, you don't want to spoil this opportunity. 

You hear the voices of a few boys and someone raps on your dressing room door. "May we come in?"


"Hello!", Harry Styles waves to you and you jump up grinning. "Hello guys."

Louis, Liam, Zayn and Niall were also there, and all of them give you hugs and introduces themselves, even though you know who they are. 

"Do you wanna go to dinner with us after the show?", Niall asks.

"Sure! That'd be cool."

"Oh there's this taco place here that I wanted to go too, can we please go there?", Harry pleads.

"Harry we had tacos last week!", Liam says.

"But pleeease? Zamn do you like tacos?"

"I do!", you laugh.

"Alright then, tacos it is.", Zayn decides and Harry cheers. 

"Okay lad, see you after the show, good luck. Don't be nervous.", Louis tells you as he gives you a fist bump and you smile. "Thanks Louis."

The boys went back to their dressing room, and soon it was time for you to take the stage. You gave it your best, and think it's one of your best performances onstage. It was also your first time performing in front of such a big crowd. 

"You were amazing!", Liam pats your shoulder as you go backstage. 

"That sounded so good, oh my god, you're so talented.", Harry hugs you. This boy loves hugs. 

"Thank you so much!", you say gratefully, and the other boys also compliment you before they take the stage. 

You change out of your outfit, and wince when you sip on some water, there's an annoying toothache you have since a few days now. You're too scared to go the dentist. You hate the dentist and there is no way in the world you're gonna go to one. You take some painkillers, and watch the rest of the show. 

You get along with the boys very well, and you all talk while on the way to the Taco place. It was like a booth inside, and Liam, Zayn and Louis sat on one side, you, Harry and Niall on the other. 

You were dreading biting into the hard shell taco, and when you did, pain shot through the side of your mouth, making you whimper softly. 

Thank god the boys didn't notice, they were busy laughing about something. But Harry, who was siting right next to you, looks at you. "You okay?"

"Yeah, just bit my cheek."

"Oh, I always do that.", he chuckles. 

The painkillers seem to wear off and you couldn't help flinching a couple times through your dinner. 

"Hey Zamn?", Louis pulls you aside as you guys walk to the car. "Is anything bothering you? I saw you a flinch a couple times, it looks like you're in pain."

"N-No! I'm fine!", you quickly blurt out.

"Really? Are you sure you don't have a toothache?"

How did Louis know!?

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