Request for hallohellohola

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Sophie's POV:-

"Kenny?", I lean down and smile at the boy, who was holding his mum's hand a little scared. "Hello, I'm Sophie."

Kenny nods, hiding his face into his mum's side. She spoke to him in their language, which I didn't understand, but it eased him when she kissed his forehead. She smiles at me. "Kenny's a bit scared."

"That's okay, Doctor Harry is very gentle, and he's really fun!", I say smiling. Kenny's mother was off for her treatment, and I held Kenny's hand as we walked to the open camp, where the dentists and volunteers were helping the children and poor people of Africa get their dental treatment, free of cost. 

My boyfriend, Harry, is also a dentist, and he does this once a year. It's a very important part of his life, he loves doing this. This year, he invited me to come along with him. I'm just a volunteer, so I assist Harry with giving him the right tools, etc. 

"Harry, meet Kenny!", I say, when we get to him.

"Hi Kenny!", Harry smiles and puts out his hand for a high five. Kenny gives him one making us laugh. "How are you?", Harry asks, leaning down to his height. Kenny didn't reply, but fidgeted a little. 

"His mum said he's a little scared.", I tell him. Harry nods. "Nothing to worry about bud, I won't hurt you okay?"

Harry picked him up and played with him for a while, making him forget about the nerves all together. He was also ready to open his mouth and let Harry look around with his mirror. 

"Wow Kenny, your teeth looks fantastic!"

He smiled a bit and I stroke his arm smiling back. "You're being really brave."

"Yes, you are. Can I quickly brush your teeth? You brush your teeth right? Just like that." Harry motions brushing his teeth with an imaginary brush, and Kenny nods. "Good boy.", Harry coos. I give him the brush and hold the little box of toothpaste, so he takes some of it before starting to give Kenny's teeth a good cleaning. 

Everything was going great, until Harry brought the fluoride varnish at the end to apply on his teeth. He probably thought it's a shot by the looks of it. He panicked, and tried to shoot out of the chair, his head hitting my chin in result. 

I yelp from the blow, holding my mouth immediately. 

"Oh my god, Soph you okay?", Harry looks up at me, grabbing my arm. 

I slowly nod, tasting the metallic taste of blood in my mouth. "Think I..bit my lip or something."

Harry moves my hand away to see and winces. "You're bleeding. Here." He gives me some gauze and makes me hold pressure there. "I'm so sorry baby."

"It's okay.", I squeak, feeling some pain in my mouth too, but I don't say it because I see Kenny's looking really apologetic and sad. I try for a smile and ruffle his hair. "It's okay Kenny, I'm fine."

"Are you sure?", Harry asks again.

"Y-Yeah, finish up with him."

Harry nods, turning to Kenny. He calms him down and tells him it's just like paint, and not a needle, so he lets Harry continue. We're done in less than five minutes and a volunteer takes Kenny back to his mum, but not before Harry gave him a sticker, a teddy bear, and a toothbrush kit.

"Sophie...that looks bad, does it hurt?", Harry asks, rolling his chair over to my side and holding my cheeks gently. I move the gauze to let him see. He touches his thumb to my lower lip and I wince. "Sorry...think you might need stitches for that love, it's deep.", he says pouting. 

"Great. And it really hurts something's broken.", I mumble, pushing my tongue against the part that hurt and feeling it to be very weird.

Harry sighs, and kisses my forehead before patting the dental chair. "Come here, lemme take a look."

One Direction Doctor/Dentist ImaginesOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara