Larry Flu(Doctor)

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Harry's POV:-

Just as I got home from the studio today, I knew I was sick. My head hurt, my stomach hurt, everything hurt and I just wanted to lie down.

"Haz! I'm home!", I heard my boyfriend Louis.

"Hi.", I called back trying not to sound too sick.

"Hey, you sleepy babe?", Louis said smiling at me as he leaned down to kiss me. I smiled back at him and nodded. "Long day."

"Aw, go to sleep then love, I'll be there in a sec."

"How was your day Lou?"

"Pretty good, except a little girl has tonsillitis. She's going in for surgery tomorrow.", Louis said. He works as a doctor. I nodded and curled up deciding to sleep before he finds out I'm sick.

The next morning I woke up to Louis shaking me.

"Haz, Harry wake up."

My head was throbbing, my throat was scratchy, my nose was stuffed and everything hurt. I painfully opened my eyes to meet Louis' concerned blue eyes staring at me.

"Babe you're burning up.", he said. "Don't feel good.", I croaked and Louis winced at my voice, leaning down to kiss my throat.

"Come to the clinic with me, I'll check you out."

I sighed. "I'm sure it's just a-"

"You are coming with me Harry, get ready."

I sighed again and raised my head from the pillow groaning in pain. I slowly got ready and Louis drove to his clinic.

"Were you feeling sick yesterday?", Louis asked waving for me to sit on the examination table that I hopped on as he washed his hands.


"Why didn't you tell me love? I could help you sooner."

"I know, I thought it would go away."

Louis sadly smiled and came to me. "Checking your temperature, I felt you burning up in the morning.", he said inserting a cold metal in my ear making me flinch from discomfort. 

"Sorry, it'll be done quick.", Louis smiled and I couldn't help but smile back. He's so beautiful. I find him especially hot in doctor clothes. Louis raised the sleeve of my shirt on one arm and wrapped a blood pressure cuff around it. I coughed for some time earning worried glances from Louis.

He had his stethoscope buds in his ears, he placed the bell near my nerve with one hand, pumping the cuff with his other hand carefully.

"It's normal.", he smiled taking it off after some time. 

"I'm going to listen to your heart and lungs now.", he said unbuttoning the first three buttons of my shirt and I cheekily grinned.

"You're so horny.", he teased and I giggled. "Deep breath?", Louis asked putting cold metal against my chest and I took a deep breath, my gaze fixed on his sea blue eyes. 

"Sounds a bit congested, because you have a cold.", he said sticking it on my back now. I sniffled and blew my nose. "Okay. Now I'm gonna look into your eyes, ears and mouth. Look behind me babe.", he said shining a light into my eyes and I tried to not look at him, but behind him. I felt Louis' minty breath on my cheeks as I checked my eyes. 

"Looks good.", he said inserting a device in my ear making me whine in discomfort. "Hurts?", he asked. "No just not nice.", I said and he chuckled. "I know, I'll be as quick as I can.", Louis said going back to checking both my ears. 

"Does your throat hurt?", Louis asked tearing open a Popsicle stick.

"A bit." I nod. 

"Open up for me and say ahh." I did as told and Louis shined light into my mouth, pressing my tongue down with the Popsicle stick. "Your throat's a little red but I don't see white patches so it might not be strep, but I'll do a strep test just to be sure.", Louis said pulling away and going to take something else.

"Will that hurt?", I asked nervously.

"No, just a little uncomfortable."

"Do you have to do it?"

He kissed my cheek. "Yes Hazza, to make sure you're okay." I sighed at his care and nodded. 

"Open again.", Louis said and I opened, he swabbed my throat with a cotton swab making me gag and cough when he was done.

"I'm sorry, I love you.", Louis rubbed my back and I smiled. "Here, drink some water." He filled me a glass and I sipped it. 

"Thanks.", I croaked and he smiled. "I love you too."

"Last thing left now Haz, just lay down." I laid down. "You have to tell me when it hurts okay?", Louis said, his hands on my tummy making me blush again but I nodded. Louis started pushing down on different areas, I didn't have any pain.

"Okay, results of your strep test are back, you're negative."

I smiled. "You just have a bad case of the flu babe."

"Great, can we go home now Lou?", I asked.

"In a minute, you need a shot Haz."

I gulped. I hate shots. 

"P-please Lou-"

"I'm sorry love, I'll do it gently and fast.", Louis said already preparing the needle. "Do you want me to call a nurse or anyone?" I shook my head, I'd rather be alone with Louis. I trust only him.

"You can grab my shoulder.", Louis said rubbing a spot on my arm. "If it hurts."

"After this can we go home and watch movies and cuddle?", I asked with puppy eyes. "Whatever you want Hazza." Louis said back making me smile. 

I squeezed my eyes shut as he brought the needle close and grabbed his shoulder as he said. "Take a deep breath when I say three okay babe?"


"1..2...3..relax Haz, breathe."

I did as he said and whimpered when the needle went in. "Shh, almost done, you're doing amazing."

 I felt the needle go out and opened my eyes to see Louis pressing a cotton to the spot. He kissed my forehead. "It's done!"

I smiled and sniffled. "We can go now?"

"Yes of course, but first I'll give you a brave boy bandage.", Louis said finding a superhero bandage and I chuckled.

"I'm not five Lou."

"You're my baby though.", he whined and I smiled at his cuteness as he applied a bandage on the spot. 

"Now come, I'll take care of you and buy the medicines and do whatever you want.", Louis held my hand as I jumped out of the table.

"I love you Louis, thank you.", I said. 

"Don't mention it, I love you too Harry." Louis smiled and jumped out of the clinic making me laugh. 

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