Request for bwthib

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Nat's POV:-

"Baby? Where are you?", I hear my boyfriend call out as he enters my dorm. Harry and I have been dating since a few months. We're in the same college, but he is a med student and I am a law student. 

"Here.", I croak in reply, typing in an essay I need to submit.

"Didn't see you after your last class.", Harry appears in my doorway with a smile and holding his white coat in one arm while his bag hung over his shoulder. 

I smile at him. "Wasn't feeling good babe.", I cough.

"I can see that.", his eyebrows furrow in concern as he comes to me, and kisses my forehead. "I thought you said your throat got better?"

"It did, but today it hurts like hell.", I sip on my water, wincing as it stings when it goes down. 

"That doesn't sound good. Maybe you need to get checked out.", he says, taking a seat next to me on my bed. 

"Nah, I have no time for that, I have too much work and-", I take a cough break, Harry rubs my back gently. "-I-I'll be fine."

"Well let me see then.", he says, taking out his phone and turning on the flash. He turns my face by my chin. "Open your mouth Nat, let Doctor Styles see what's up."

I chuckle before opening my mouth. He frowned and tilted my head up for better vision, then turns it to a side to see the back of my throat. "It's so red back there love, I see white patches too. Looks like a bad case of strep to me, gosh that must hurt."

"Oh yeah."

"Say ahh?"


He pulled away and kisses my cheek. "What's wrong with me Doctor Styles?", I ask, making him smile. "I told ya babe, but we should get you to a doctor and not a med student, to get the diagnosis. Come on, I'll make you an appointment."

"But whyyyy?", I whine, nuzzling my face into his clothed arm.

"Honey this is serious, you're also burning up.", he states, placing the back of his hand on my forehead. "I'm gonna get you ready.", he decides. 

Against my protests, Harry managed to dress me and take me to the hospital. He checked me in, and we had to wait for a while, where I almost dozed off on his shoulder. 

"Baby come on, they called your name.", he nudges me softly. I hum and take his hand as we walk to the exam room.

An old man with a bald head with some wisps of hair was the doctor and he tells me to take a seat. Harry chats up with him since I was in too much pain to talk. The doctor takes my temperature, pulse, listens to my heart and lungs, looks in my eyes, ears and then my mouth. He told me to say ahh like Harry did. 

"Yeah that is definitely strep.", he says, pulling the Popsicle stick out. "I'm gonna do a quick swab test."

Harry held my hand when he did, I almost gagged. He checked my stomach, and we sat in front of his desk when the results came. Turns out I had an aggravated case of Strep Throat, and needed three shots to get better, one each day or I may get a Rheumatic fever, which is not at all good. 

I hate shots. 

Harry squeezed my hand instantly because he knows I hate shots. If I have to get one, he comes with me for moral support.

"Lay down on your stomach please.", the doctor says, waving to the bed and I look at Harry pleadingly. On my freaking butt? As it it's not bad enough.

"It'll be okay darling.", Harry assures, leading me to the bed and kissing my temple. "It'll be just longer than a minute okay? And I'm right here, squeeze my hands if it hurts."

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