Chapter 23 - Busted

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I am counting the seconds in my head.

Not that this is making much sense, but at least it helps me keep my mind occupied and stops me from freaking out. I have lost count of how many times I have arrived at 60 and started anew. It feels like we have been sitting here forever.

From time to time, I cast a glance toward the entrance of the ruin of a building we are currently stuck in, hoping that Kolinsky will return – preferably with the required cash. But unfortunately, all I see are his two goons that are guarding the doorway like prison wards.

Also at regular intervals, I turn to look at my brothers who are still sitting next to me. In the beginning, when Kolinsky had left, we talked to each other in hushed voices. But we eventually stopped when one of the two guys threw an empty beer can at Noah. Luckily, his aim was off and it hit the wall about half a foot above my brother's head, but it sure left an impression with us.

We haven't spoken since.

Noah is still holding my hand and he randomly squeezes it as if to show me that he is still here. Or maybe to tell me that everything will be okay. I am not so sure about that anymore.

Kolinsky is taking way too long just to make a few phone calls. He said he would be back within a few minutes. I don't know what his definition of "a few minutes" is, but in my books, that isn't half an hour. And I believe that that is how much time has passed.

This thought, once I properly absorb it, suddenly makes the blood freeze in my veins.

If we have been waiting for him for half an hour already, this means that it must soon be 5:30pm. The time we were supposed to meet up with Jack back by the car.

I gulp.

This is not good.

It took us at least 40 minutes to get here, then these stupid kids by the playground held us up, then we met Kolinsky and I made my proposition. And now he has been gone for a long time. While I am convinced that we have been here way longer than I calculated we should be here for, I need to confirm this before I freak out completely.

"What time is it?" I whisper without looking at my brothers, hoping that the two guards won't hear my speak.

At the same time, I bump my knee against Noah's leg to get his attention. He has been sitting next to me so completely immobile that I am worried he fell asleep, although he looked awake when I last glanced his way.

"No idea," Noah answers, just as quietly. "My phone is turned off."

He says that second part without sounding accusing or sarcastic, but I still feel bad, because the reason why all our phones are off is me. I told the twins that they have two choices: either leave their phones behind in Jack's car – or turn them off while we are on our little adventure.

I have learned a thing or two about phones getting tracked when I was in the forest with Finn, and I am not about to take any chances. Even if we are running late. We won't turn our phones back on until we are near the mall again. Or if, for whatever reason, there is an emergency that makes it necessary. Although this current situation is very nerve-wrecking, this is still far from an emergency situation.

"Hey, fatty, you got the time?" Aidan's voice cuts through the eerie silence like a knife.

My head instantly snaps in his direction.

What is he doing?

"Ya talkin' to me, asshole?" the shorter of the two goons, who sports an impressive gut for someone so young, snarls.

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