Chapter 10 - Teenage Hormones

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"Surprise!" Anna, Lauren and Gracie yell as they bounce into view when my feet hit the bottom stair.

I startle at the sound of their voices and their unexpected presence, knocking back into Sean, who is only one step behind me. I feel his hands on my shoulders, steadying me.

"W-what are you guys doing here?" I press out.

My heart is beating wildly in my chest from the shock and I am still trying to get my breathing back under control.

"Visiting the sick," Lauren replies nonchalantly.

"I'm not sick!" I immediately shoot back, glaring at her for even implying that.

"Well, whatever you call that."

She points towards my knee and then makes a weird, jerky hand movement which is probably supposed to encompass my whole body or something. While I just stare at Lauren, wondering what she is on about, it suddenly dawns to me what this all means: They have never before been to my home – and they have never before been properly introduced to my family.

Oh boy!

My stomach churns at that realization. My eyes search for Gracie in the little group of excitable teenage girl to get some reassurance that this will not end in a total disaster. But my gaze stops on Anna, who is just standing there like a statue staring at something behind me. It takes me a moment to figure out that her eyes are glued to Sean. I groan inwardly. I must be pretty naïve to think that this will not turn out really, really embarrassing.

Why are they here?

"Why are you guys here?" I speak out loud.

"Don't be rude, Lily," Ben reprimands me.

I haven't even seen him standing there. But it makes sense, since he was the one who called me downstairs. He most likely opened the door for them, too. I glare at him but he takes no notice of me. I feel movement behind me and a moment later Sean has joined my friends, holding his hand out to greet them.

"I'm Sean, Lily's favourite brother," he tells them, adding a grin that shows off his dimples. "And who are you lovely ladies?"

"I'm Lauren."

Of course, she is the one to first find her words while Anna still stands there as if she has been struck by lightning or something.

"A-Anna," she eventually stammers, accepting Sean's outstretched hand.

I feel almost sorry for her. Almost. If they hadn't intruded like this, maybe I would be more understanding to the fact that it can be a bit overwhelming to find out that there are more members to this family than the ones they have already seen during the past few months.

"It's great to finally meet some of Lily's friends," Sean says.

I watch as Sean reaches out and pulls Gracie into a hug.

"Hey, Gracie. How have you been, kiddo? I haven't seen you in, like, forever."

Lauren and Anna look slightly put out when they observe as my best friend wraps her arms around Sean's waist to hug him back.

"I'm great, thanks, Sean. And how are you? Lily didn't say that you are visiting this weekend," Gracie replies.

"That's because Lily didn't know anything about this visit – or about any other visits," I comment sarcastically.

Gracie quickly pulls away from my brother and turns to look at me. She mouths a "sorry" while I keep glaring at her, clearly not impressed by this surprise.

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