Chapter 3 - Interrogation

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The pain turns out to be pretty bearable.

Once Sam has picked me up, he walks us out of my room and downstairs towards the living room where I can hear the voices of my other siblings.

"Hey everyone, look who's up," he announces, causing everybody to stop talking and turn towards us as we enter the living room.

I bury my face in his shoulder, feeling strangely shy by being put in the spotlight like this. I hear shuffling sounds followed by steps and then I feel people closing in on us. Instinctively – and rather stupidly – I close my eyes as if hoping that if I couldn't see them, they wouldn't be able to see me, either.

"Guys, guys, give them some space," Alex' voice booms. "And Noah, make some room on the sofa, please."

I register some more shuffling of feet and the sound of people moving about. My eyes remain firmly shut and my face stays buried in Sam's t-shirt. I don't really know why I am acting like this, but everything is kind of weird at the moment and I definitely do not feel like myself.

My body is being jostled again and this time it hurts more than when Sam picked me up a few minutes ago. I bite my tongue, trying to suppress any sounds that might make them aware that I am in pain. The last thing I need is more attention and their overbearing protectiveness.

My butt comes into contact with what I believe is the sofa and Sam slowly guides me backwards until I am propped up against what feels like a mountain of cushions.

"I thought you said she was awake?" I hear Noah say only a few inches from my face.

"She is awake – hey, squirt, what's with not looking at anybody?" Sam calls my bluff.

I guess I can no longer avoid the inevitable, so I slowly open my eyes and come face to face with my youngest brother who is curiously staring at me.

"Why don't you take a picture?" I snap at him.

A wide grin appears on his face, immediately replacing his previously rather worried expression.

"Oh yes, she's awake alright. Hi, Lils! And have you seen your face? I don't think you'd want me to take a picture and capture this for eternity," he says dramatically.

I narrow my eyes at him and give him an uncertain look.

What is he on about?

"Noah, that's not nice. Leave her alone," Ben chastizes him.

Sam's impressive body blocks my view, as he is still hovering above me from putting me down, and so does Noah, who hasn't moved away yet, either. I reckon I don't have to see the whole living room to know that the majority of my family must be gathered here.

"What's wrong with my face?" I ask and immediately hate myself for walking right into this one.

"Where do I even start?" Aidan, reliably, pipes up from somewhere on the other side of the room.

At least he is not planning to walk on eggshells around me, like everybody else is bound to.

"I wouldn't speak too loudly if I were you."

Despite myself, a feel a small smile appear on my face at hearing Luke speak.

Isn't he away for the weekend?

I hope he didn't cancel his plans because of me...and if he did, it must mean that something is really wrong with my leg. A cold shiver runs down my spine. I don't even want to think about that right now.

To distract myself from these disturbing thoughts, I lift my hand and gingerly touch my right cheek which has started to burn slightly. I flinch when I put too much pressure on it. It does feel like yet another bruise. My fingers are instinctively drawn up to my eyebrow next and that is where I hit pay dirt: I can definitely feel a bandage there.

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