Chapter 25 - Livid

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Will is livid.

The anger is literally rolling off of him in waves. It feels like the temperature in the room has risen by 20 degrees since he showed up. I am still standing in my spot near Jack's bed, unable to move. My eyes are glued to Will, strangely mesmerized by his unexpected appearance.

From the corner of my eyes, I can see movement but I don't pay the twins much attention. The only thing that is relevant right now is my oldest brother in here. Trance-like, I watch as he swiftly shuts the door behind him and takes a further step into the room.

"Hey, Will," Aidan is the first the find his voice.

My breath hitches due to his nonchalant greeting. I glance in the twins' direction and find them perched on the edge of Will's bed. Noah looks kinda scared, like he just got caught doing something he was not supposed to do. Which, obviously, is the case, but surely Will doesn't know the full extent of it.

Aidan, again, looks as cool as a cucumber. Like he has no care in the world, not dissimilar to his behavior earlier in the living room. I am not completely sure, since it is barely visible, but I believe that I even detect a tiny, amused twitch in the corner of his lips. He has never before reminded me so much of the brother who is currently murdering us with his glare as he does now. Under other circumstances, I would have found that discovery fascinating. Now, it is just scary.

"Hey, Will? Seriously? I'll give you hey Will in a second, you fucking brainless idiot!" Will exclaims.

He is definitely mad.

"Why don't y'all just get the fuck out of my room?" Jack suddenly growls, startling me.

I have almost forgotten that he is here with us, seeing as my back is turned to him. The tone of his voice is strangely unfamiliar, too. It doesn't sound like him at all. Neither do the words he just spat out fit his usual, laid-back personality.

Jack isn't supposed to be rude to other people, not even if said people are his often annoying siblings. Fighting with him is never great fun because it takes a lot to get him angry, let alone for him to lash out at his opponents. But tonight, everything is different, and not in a good way. Like being in a parallel universe where personalities are shifting from one extreme to the other or where they are the complete opposites of their normal versions. Not only is Jack mouthing off to Will – which nobody in their right mind should do – but only a few minutes ago he also fought with Alex like I have never witnessed before.

"This is my room, too," Will reminds him firmly.

I instantly notice that he doesn't sound even half as pissed off anymore as he did when he shouted at us. Actually, Will almost seems surprised by Jack's uncharacteristically offensive behavior toward him and it appears to have taken the wind out of his sails. Looks like I am not the only one who doesn't understand what is going on.

"You're hardly ever here. Why choose to show up now? Get out, all of you! Leave me alone!" Jack shouts angrily.

Before I realize what is happening, Jack jumps off the bed and forcefully pushes me toward Will, unmistakably emphasizing his command. Luckily, Will's reflexes are good and he manages to stop me from crashing right into him. I yelp in shock and at the unexpectedly harsh treatment. Being pushed around like a ragdoll by my normally most sympathetic brother is very unpleasant. Also, his action doesn't exactly do much to stop my knee from hurting.

"Hey!" Noah exclaims from somewhere to my right.

He sounds defensive, making me guess that this is him showing his disagreement with Jack treating me so badly.

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