Chapter 8 - Awkward

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I take a deep breath.

"Will you be okay?" Ben asks me.

It is the beginning of the week and my first day back to school since the accident. I have been absent for a whole three weeks and it feels like forever. I wanted to go back last week already, since that was when I was allowed to start walking and when I began the physical therapy. But Alex and Sam were having none of it, saying that walking around the house and doing the exercises was enough for the time being.

Gracie collected all my homework and brought it over regularly. Since she was coming to see me most days, anyway, that was easily done. And on the few days where she couldn't bring it herself, she would take it to Ben. He made sure that I did my share of school work while I was cooped up at home. It was all pretty boring and I missed being in class, where it is definitely a more enjoyable environment to study.

"Yes, Ben, I'll be fine," I reply kind of impatiently.

I swear, he has asked me the same thing about five times already ever since I got up this morning. I admit that I am a bit nervous to go back to school, but I don't think he knows that, so I don't understand why he keeps bugging me with that question. It doesn't help me feel any better.

I am mainly a bit uncertain because I am not sure how the other students will react, now that it is common knowledge that not only am I related to the Taylor brothers, whose reputation apparently precedes them, but also to one of the high school teachers. I hope that this won't reflect badly on me – or cause too much attention to be given to me, which would be even worse.

However, I don't think Ben knows about my worries since I believe that I am quite good at hiding my feelings from him. Which is now definitely an advantage. Jordan and Sean can read me like a book and that is rather annoying at times. I guess I would have a bit of a hard time fooling Alex, too. Not Ben though, I am pretty sure.

"Maybe one of your brothers should take you to your class," Ben muses. "I would do it myself but I urgently need to sort some stuff out in my office before the start of my first class this morning."

"That's not necessary!" I quickly protest.

Ben completely ignores me and turns towards the backseat. The twins and Jack have been forced to sit in the back, much to their annoyance, because Sam told them that my leg needs plenty of space in the car, seeing as it is still stuck in this huge, annoying brace that keeps it straight. Obviously, Aidan was the one who complained the loudest, although he never gets to sit in the front under normal circumstances, either. That is Jack's designated spot. I assume that he only moaned because I got to sit there while he didn't. That is how petty he is.

"Noah, can you walk with your sister?" Ben asks the younger of my twin brothers.

"I have to go see my coach real quick before class, so I can't, sorry" he replies.

Thank god.

One down, one to go.

Because I sure hope that not even Ben is ignorant enough to suggest that Aidan goes with me.

"I can take her," Jack offers before Ben even addresses him.

I turn around and glare at Jack but he just smiles back at me. I should have known that he would volunteer, because that is just the kind of person he is. At least, having to walk around with Jack hovering beside me won't be the worst, because I actually like him.

Nevertheless, I decide to protest a bit more, because I am still on that infamous mission to convince my adult brothers that I don't need to be watched and coddled all the time. I actually thought that I had made some progress since I started junior high, and I was pretty proud of my achievements. But now, what with this stupid injury, it has pretty much cancelled out all my previous efforts. I think I have to step up my game again to get back to where I was before the incident.

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