Chapter 4 - Thoughtful

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A knock on my door wakes me from my semi-slumber.

I blink a couple of times, trying to get my bearings. My room is bathed in soft light from the evening sun that is slowly setting outside my bedroom window. I stare at the sliver of orange-reddish tinted sky that is visible through my window from where I am lying on the bed, and momentarily a strange kind of sadness overwhelms me.

However, before I can dwell deeper on the unfamiliar heaviness that is settling on my chest, another knock on my door reminds me that someone is still waiting for a reaction from me. Someone who is way more patient that my average family member, it seems.

"Ye-," I start but have to stop to clear my throat since it feels very dry.

"Come in!" I finally manage to call out.

The door opens slowly and Josh pokes his head through the opening.

"Are you awake?" he asks stupidly.

For some reason, that makes me laugh. It is very unlike my second eldest brother to ask such dumb questions. Also, it is a bit strange that he knocked twice before coming in.

Am I finally getting somewhere with hammering it home that they should respect my personal space?

If yes, then I am impressed that it also works with Josh. Although, to be fair, he is one of my politer brothers – when he isn't angry or upset and forgets his manners, that is.

"You don't have to just stand there. Come in," I say.

A small, slightly sheepish smile flashes across Josh's face. He quickly steps into my room and closes the door behind him. Then he once again stands there, looking a bit forlorn.

"Are you okay?" I ask him slowly, confused by his reluctant behaviour.

Surprisingly, he seems to find that question amusing.

"Shouldn't I be the one asking you that?" he chuckles.

"I'm okay. I think," I add as an afterthought.

I haven't even had time yet to assess my body's condition and how I am really feeling since I woke up. Now that I start to get more aware of everything, I notice that there is a dull ache still prominent in my head. Also, my knee feels a bit uncomfortable. But it isn't bad enough to complain about. I guess the second dose of pain killers that Jordan gave me after I devoured Tom's delicious pancakes is still doing its job.

Looking up at my brother from my position the bed, lying on my back, I feel a bit weird and kind of vulnerable, so I decide to sit up.

Bad idea!

Instantly, a sharp pain shoots through my rib cage, causing me to gasp. My breath to hitches in my throat. Within seconds, Josh is by my side.

"Careful, sugar. Your ribs still need to heal a bit more before this kind of movement will not hurt anymore," he reminds me, his expression kind of worried.

He puts his hands under my armpits and slowly pulls me into a sitting position. Then he lets go with one hand and fluffs my pillows with it before gently guiding my upper body backwards until I am comfortably leaning against the headboard.

"Better?" he asks.

"Perfect. Thank you," I smile up at him and then blush when I realize something: I couldn't even sit up by myself.

How embarrassing!

"You're cute," he laughs at my obvious discomfort.

"Why would you say that?"

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