2 - Questions

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"Ah, yes. Ms. Y/L/N," the young lawyer smiles at you briefly before opening the door to his office a little wider. "Please come in and have a seat."

"Thank you, Mr. Choi. And please, Y/N is just fine," you smile back softly as you walk into his office to take a seat on one of the luxurious leather chairs placed in front of his desk.

The moment you had managed to slip out of the small conference room - the room your family currently still occupies as they scrutinize your grandfather's "will" - you had made a straight beeline to seek out the young lawyer again. Your head feels as if it's on the brink of exploding with all of the questions running circles and you're desperate for some answers. 

At first, you had contemplated taking the stairs to get to Mr. Choi's office because you know if you had been caught by one of your family members, it most likely would have raised their suspicions. However, you were quick to realize that your family would probably stay in the room for the next hour whining about how "selfish" your grandfather had been.

"I assume you came with questions for me?" Mr. Choi asks as he takes a seat on his chair behind his desk.

"Yes, I have a few that come to mind at the moment," you nod, sitting a little taller and fiddling with your purse unconsciously. "My biggest concern right now is how I will go about transferring the ownership of my grandfather's company to myself. As you saw at the reading, my family is...desperate, to put it lightly."

"Your grandfather prepared for this moment, actually. He instructed that if you are to accept this transfer of ownership, I will release, to the press, the official statement he wrote before he had passed. So, in short, you won't have to worry about anything - you'd only have to focus on getting settled into your new job."

For a moment, you're stunned. You simply stare at your hands with slowly blinking eyes. You hadn't realized your grandfather would actually take these extra steps to help you transition into his job. But then again, you can't say you didn't expect the man to go above and beyond as he had always done. Yet, even after hearing this new revelation, there's still a feeling of worry and fear that bites in the pit of your stomach.

"While his personally drafted statement should help, once it's released to the public, my family will catch wind about the rest of my inheritances instantly," you voice your honest concern. The young lawyer's eyebrows pinch in an unreadable expression but he nods his head in understanding.

"Ah, yes. This was one thing your grandfather was worried about. He suggested some ways you could go about this transition if you choose to take over the company. But we can get into the details once you make your decision," he explains after a brief pause. "Are you, by chance, interested in taking over your grandfather's company?"

Mr. Choi's question catches you off guard. Sure, you had spent your entire life practically working towards the day you would take over your grandfather's company. However, now that you look back on it and now that someone has finally asked you what you want to do, you finally realize that this path was never your dream. It is your parents' dream for you.

"To be honest," you start before taking a sharp inhale of breath. "I'm not sure."

"May I ask why? If you're worried about your family, I can assure you, your grandfather has planned for this occasion. I am sure we can find a solution to keeping this information from your family."

"No, it's not that. I just don't see myself taking over my grandfather's company. I think my grandfather believed that it was always my dream to work with him - and eventually take over the company one day. But I don't think that's true. That was my parents' dream for me. But now that you've asked if it's what I'm interested in, I don't think I can provide a definitive answer because I don't even know what I want," you answer honestly.

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