15 - Forever Cub

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"Y/N?" a curious voice speaks into the other end of the line. A faint smile graces your lips when you recognize the speaker instantly. "Are you almost here? It's been so long since you last visited."

"Hobi," Seokjin warns gently in the background. "She's a busy woman and her life can't just revolve around us."

"But we're cute! How can it not revolve around us?" Taehyung's sassy tone chips in.

"Stop being dramatic you two. Y/N literally visited us last week to help us move in," someone mumbles groggily.

"How shocking of you to say, Kook," Yoongi snorts. "You were literally sulking last night about how long it's been since Y/N gave you ear scratches."

You can't help the soft chuckle that escapes from your lips as the boys continue to bicker back and forth. Your grip on your steering wheel subconsciously loosens slightly as you feel yourself relax. Despite the ruckus of noise coming from their end of the line, something about hearing this mundane interaction soothes you more than your softest playlist would. Perhaps it's because you've grown so accustomed to larger gatherings turning into arguments, that this conversation just somehow feels right. 

"I'm guessing I'm on speakerphone," you hum, just as you turn down a familiar road.

"Yes, you are," Namjoon responds. "Good morning, by the way."

"Good morning, Namjoon," you giggle.

"Y/N, you never answered my question. Are you almost here?" Hoseok asks again.

"Sorry, Hobi," you laugh. "Actually, I'm turning into the driveway right now."

True to your words, the moment you finish your sentence, you're opening the gate to the boys' house and driving into the garage to park. The call abruptly cuts off, so you cut the engine and step out of your car with your belongings.

Just as you close your driver's door, you hear a thundering of footsteps from the ceiling on top of you before the door connecting the rest of the house to the garage is bursting open.

"Y/N! You're here!" Hoseok and Taehyung cheer simultaneously.

"I'm here," you echo back, just as enthusiastically. "C'mon, let's go inside so I can say hi to everyone else."

The two hybrids quickly attach themselves to either side of you as you venture into the main living space. A faint smile graces your lips as you see traces of the boys feeling at home in this new space. There's a single hoodie draping over the backrest of one of the large armchairs in the living room and some shoes are thrown haphazardly in the foyer while other pairs are lined neatly against the wall.

"Good morning, Y/N," Seokjin greets you warmly the moment you join everyone in the living room. By the looks of it, it seems like some of the pack has just woken up while others have already been up for hours. Jungkook, whose hair is sticking out at odd angles, is still dressed in a pair of sweatpants and a baggy shirt while his cheeks are still slightly puffy with sleep. Namjoon, on the other hand, is all dressed for the day as he sips from his coffee mug occasionally.

"Good morning, Jin," you smile.

"Here, I made you a cup of coffee. Let me know if you want something to munch on," the older male offers kindly as he guides a cup of iced coffee into your hand.

"Oh, iced! Just how I like it," you perk up in delight.

"I remembered from when you told us that one time," the sugar glider hybrid winks at you. Your stomach performs a sudden summersault and you feel your face heat up ever-so-slightly. So in a mild panic, you take a sip of the drink from the straw Seojin included. As the cool liquid runs down your throat, your eyes flutter close and you hum in content.

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