36 - Cub Wrangling

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"Thank you for your time, Ms. Y/L/N," one of the men nods his head appreciatively. "You have provided a lot of great insight that will help us in determining the right course of action moving forward."

"I'm glad I could be of help," you nod back. "I have also provided you each a copy of the files I presented today in case you need to refer back to it."

"Yes, that is also greatly appreciated," another man chimes in. "Actually, before you leave today, I just want to personally apologize - and I'm sure my apology encaptures how every other business owner here feels. I'm so terribly sorry that my company was unable to detect such atrocious collusions happening right under our nose."

"No need to apologize to me," you wave him off. "If anything, I should be the one to apologize as it was my family that has caused your companies so much trouble."

"You don't get to choose the family you're born into, Ms. Y/L/N," one of the CEOs points out gently. "We, on the other hand, chose to hire these affiliates assuming they would be great assets to the company. However, they seemed to have chosen a different path for themselves. It deeply embarrasses me that they are supposed to be representatives of our organizations."

"Well, then I suppose we can all take this as a learning opportunity," you smile gently before pressing your lips into a fine line. "You can certainly use this experience to further strengthen your organization's values and procedures."

"Yes, certainly." The men all nod along before a casual silence settles over the room.

"Well, I'm sure you all have a lot on your hands, so I'll get out of your hair now," you say, standing up from your seat in the briefing room. "But, if you ever do have questions please feel free to reach out to either my lawyer, Soobin, or me."

"Actually, I will be answering any and all legal questions for Ms. Y/L/N as she will be quite busy these upcoming weeks transitioning into her new position," Soobin adds from his position next to you, sending you a small dimpled smile at the end of his statement.

"Yes, of course. Thank you again so much and congratulations on your new position as CEO, Ms. Y/L/N," the men bow respectfully.

"No problem," you bow back. "Have a good day, gentlemen,"

As you and Soobin exit the room, you finally release a somewhat triumphant sigh once the door closes behind you.

"That went well," Soobin notes as he nudges your shoulder slightly. "It also ended sooner than I had expected."

"I think so too. I'm just glad it's over," you nod with a small chuckle before lightly nudging him back. "It's something I can check off my to-do list now."

"That's also true," the lawyer nods in agreement. "And now you can go home and rest since Director Sim says you don't need to head into the office until tomorrow."

"A nice day with the pack?" you hum thoughtfully. "Nothing sounds better."

"Not even a day hanging out with me?" Soobin gasps playfully.

"No thank you," you shake your head firmly with a giggle.

"After everything I've done for you," the older male scoffs with a look of feigned betrayal resting on his features.

"Oh, Binne," you laugh before throwing your arms around the tall male's waist. "You know I appreciate everything you've done for me and I couldn't have asked for a better friend."

"I know," Soobin smiles, slinging an arm around your shoulders. "But I'm your best friend, right?"

"Sure, but don't tell Tae or Kook I said that," you chuckle.

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