33 - Dirty Little Secrets

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"Oh, we bumped into Taehyun and Kai on the way in earlier," Soobin gushes from the other end of the line. "They were really curious because they saw the news this morning. I hope you don't mind I told them that you're resigning."

His words sound like mere echoes in your ears - almost as if you were underwater where everything sounds so distant. Your thoughts, instead, are elsewhere. You wonder where he is, at this very moment. What is he doing? Who is he with? Did he do it yet?

"That's fine, Soobin," you mumble rather robotically.

Your mind feels like it's running at the speed of light while your hands and feet are automatically operating your vehicle. Everything feels like an out-of-body experience right now.

From your peripheral vision, you vaguely register the semi-panicked expression on Hoseok's face in the back seat through your rearview mirror and Taehyung's alert posture in your passenger seat next to you as you make a turn.

"Are car rides always like this?" the red panda hybrid asks wearily.

"No, Y/N drove very smoothly last time," the younger male responds, turning around in his seat to glance back at his pack member.

"I'm scared that if she turns one more time, the new accessories she just bought are going to go flying out the window."

"The windows aren't even open, Hobi," Taehyung snorts.

"Where's Namjoon right now, Soobin?" You finally voice the question you've been asking yourself for a little over an hour now.

"Oh, right," the lawyer recomposes himself quickly. "He just went in to talk to your boss."

"He had the resignation letters with him, correct?" you ask.

"Yes, he had everything with him. He even rehearsed the conversation with me three times before going in."

"How long has he been in there for? What if something goes wrong?"

"He only just went in, Y/N," Soobin answers in a gentle tone, instantly recognizing your spiraling thoughts. "I'll text you when he comes back out, alright? For now, just focus on driving safely to your grandfather's house."

"Okay, keep me posted," you sigh before readjusting your grip. It's then when you notice the dull ache in both of your hands from having gripped the steering wheel too tightly for too long.

"She's been panicking since you left with Joonie this morning," Hoseok says loud enough to be heard over the car's bluetooth speakerphone system.

"Everything is going to go well, Y/N," Soobin reassures you once more. "Guys, watch out for her, alright? Make sure she doesn't do anything dumb - especially since tonight is an important night."

"We will," the two hybrids chime in together.

"Alright, then I'll see you all very soon."

The line cuts off before you have a chance to utter another syllable - a very intentional move on the lawyer's part.

"Stop worrying that pretty head of yours, sunshine. Just like Soobin said, Namjoon is going to be fine," Hoseok pouts.

"I'm not worried about Namjoon. I know that he's more than capable of handling matters on his own. I'm worried about how my boss will react. My last conversation with him didn't sit right with me. That man was so eager to know about what's going on with HK Holdings. Part of me suspects him of being in contact with my mother."

"Just think of what Kookie said this morning. Namjoon is a natural-born leader and if anyone ever tries to cross him or anyone in his pack, they will be trembling with fear in a matter of seconds," Taehyung suggests in a cheerful tone. You let out a soft chuckle when you're reminded of the completely unphased expression that was sitting on the panther's face when he had said it at the breakfast table.

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