5 - The Revelation

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You let out an unconscious sigh as your eyes glance over countless emails that continuously fly into your inbox. While your fingers are typing out nearly automated responses to your subordinates, your mind is elsewhere - doing its best to create articulate plans for the projects you're overseeing this financial period.

However, almost as if an angel from above is taking pity on you, your cell phone rings and breaks you out of your concentrated flow.

"Hello?" you answer the phone, putting on your best attempt to sound welcoming and optimistic in case it's a fellow colleague calling you.

"Y/N? I hope I didn't catch you at a bad time," a familiar voice responds from the other end of the line. "Are you available to chat right now?"

"Hi, Mr. Choi," you smile softly before leaning back into your ergonomic office chair.

You're technically on the clock right now. But as someone who worked her way up the general management ladder, at such a young age, in a Fortune Global 500 company, you're automatically given some leeway when it comes to impromptu breaks. Plus, it's not like your self-declared breaks cause you to underperform - quite the contrary. In fact, your higher-ups approve of your work and work ethic so much, they hardly ever find any flaws when it comes time for your routine performance assessments.

"No, you're good," you quickly assure the worried male. "I'm available to talk right now."

"Great!" You can practically hear the lawyer's smile over the phone. "I was just calling to check in with you. Were you able to visit some of the properties yet?"

"I did, actually," you respond excitedly. "I visited all of them."

"Wonderful! I was worried you would be too busy," Mr. Choi chuckles and you can't help but chuckle along with him. While you are normally very busy, you took the week off after finding out about your grandfather's passing - consequently giving you the perfect time frame to visit the lands you had inherited.

"I was eager to see them all so I actually visited the last plot of land a week ago," you inform the older male.

"Oh, you did? What did you think of the empty plot of land? Did you find any potential?" Mr. Choi hums, intrigued.

"I was pretty surprised when I got there," you answer truthfully. You hesitate to continue on, unsure of whether you want to inform the lawyer about the hybrids living on the land.

"Surprised? I hope it was a good surprise."

"Most definitely," you nod subconsciously. "I was just surprised to find..."

Your sentence trails off at the end as you struggle to find the proper words to say. However, Mr. Choi's voice cuts in before you can finish your statement.

"New friends?"

His question makes you freeze on the spot. Does he know about the pack? Why didn't he tell you?

"You know about the hybrids?" you mumble wearily. You can't tell from the lawyer's tone whether his knowledge of the pack is a good or bad indication.

"Before I answer your question, may I know if you'd like to keep that plot of land?" he responds with his own question. There's a brief pause in which you contemplate your final decision.

"I'd like to keep it," you nod confidently.

"That's great," Mr. Choi beams, causing your ears to perk in interest. "And to answer your previous question: yes, I do know about the hybrids."

"But when I had gone to your office to ask questions after the meeting that day, you said-" you mumble as you recall the previous events.

"I'm sorry, that might have been a little white lie," the older male chuckles sheepishly. "When I was writing the will with your grandfather, he had very clearly explained why he had bought that plot of land. He told me about the story of how he was originally there to look for land suitable for building a larger house for the company to use during its bi-annual bonding trips - or perhaps another vacation home he can rent out for a portion of the year."

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