11 - New Rules

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"It won't come off," Jimin whines in frustration as you and Yoongi calmly unbuckle your seatbelts. When you turn around, the fox hybrid is tugging angrily at his seatbelt while glaring daggers at the said object.

"Jimin, stop tugging before you damage Y/N's car," the older male sighs. When he turns around to glance at his younger pack mate, a soft snort escapes from him, causing Jimin to snap his gaze up at the two of you.

"Do you need me to help you again?" you ask with one hand unconsciously reaching for your door handle, ready to get out and help him.

The fox hybrid immediately stills at your question and his cheeks start to flush a dull shade of red. Memories of when he first got into your car flash left and right in his mind and Jimin honestly wishes the car seat would just open up and swallow him whole right now.

It's safe to say none of the pack members have ridden in a car before today. So when Yoongi and Jimin first got into your vehicle, the two were unaware of the importance of wearing their seatbelts. When you had pointed out the strap designated for their individual seats, Yoongi had glanced at you curiously from where he was sitting shotgun. He then mimicked your actions of pulling the belt across his body and clicking it into the buckle.

Jimin, however, with him sitting in the back seat, was unable to mimic your actions. It's not like he was looking at you anyway. The moment you had pointed out the seatbelt, the fox hybrid's attention immediately shifted to the suspendable belt and tugged at it to test it out. He then spent the next minute trying to get the strap situated across him correctly. But to no avail, nothing he tried seemed to feel right.

When you and Yoongi heard his frustrated sighs grow louder and louder, the two of you turned around curiously to see what was going on. The older hybrid immediately burst out laughing and tried to explain, in between hiccups, how to properly wear the seatbelt. Yet, when the snow leopard's explanation seemed to help Jimin little to none, you decided to exit the car, walk around to Jimin's seat, and put the seatbelt on for him.

To say he was flustered would be an understatement. With your sudden proximity to him, the fox hybrid didn't know what to do with himself. So the moment he heard the telltale click from his buckle, his hands went on auto-drive and shoved you, somewhat gently, back out of the car.

"Thank you," he had mumbled stiffly before slamming your car door shut.

"No, I will not be needing any assistance again," Jimin shakes his head in horror before gulping nervously.

"Okay, I won't go to physically help you," you chuckle. "But try pressing the red button instead of tugging the belt. It'll automatically release the buckle."

The older male does as you said and sure enough, he's released from the seatbelt the moment he hears a resonant 'click'.

"Why do you even need these anyway?" Jimin asks in feigned annoyance, but you can tell he's just trying to cover up the embarrassment he's currently feeling.

"It's supposed to help minimize the injuries you might sustain if you were to get into a car accident," you answer. "When a car's driving at a certain speed, and if it hits something, the car and everything in it will continue moving at the speed it was traveling at until some other force physically stops it. Without these seatbelts, if we were to get into an accident, we'd probably fly right out of the window due to the sheer speed and force of the vehicle."

"A tiny belt stops you from flying out the window?" Jimin asks skeptically.

"Tug on it really quickly and really hard," you propose while nodding your chin towards his seatbelt. "But not too hard!" you add as a quick afterthought when you remember Yoongi's prior warning.

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