20 - Intern Kim

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"So let me get this straight, Y/N," your boss starts, his eyebrows pinching together in confusion. You're sitting across from him in his office, in the rather uncomfortable chair placed in front of his desk, nervously bouncing one of your heels up and down. 

There's an unexplainable feeling of tension sitting in your chest the longer you stay in this room. The impossibly clean environment - ranging from the lack of decorative objects to personalize the space to how there doesn't seem to be a single speck of dust within sight - gives this moderately-sized office an unnatural ambiance.

When a steady hand reaches out and gently touches your shoulder, you're drawn out of your thoughts and you instinctively stop the anxious motion, sitting a little taller to give yourself some faux confidence. 

"You want me to allow you to accept Mr. Kim Namjoon as your intern for the next three months?"

"Yes," you nod firmly but something in your voice wavers with uncertainty, making your statement come across more like a question. "It will be an unpaid internship and everything he does will be under my guidance."

"You do understand that just because you are one of my most trusted employees, this does not mean anyone with your connection can just forgo the normal recruiting and hiring process, correct? If Mr. Kim wishes to have an internship here at our company, he must apply just like everyone else. Plus, we are in no position to make the call as to who gets an internship with us - that's all up to HR."

"Yes, I know," you nod rather dejectedly. There's a brief pause in your statement and something clenches inside your gut as you prepare the next words you're about to speak. You hate that it has come down to pulling out your last card like this, but you would do anything to protect the pack. "I certainly understand how outrageous and unconventional my request is. But, truth be told, I'm doing this to fulfill the wish of my late grandfather."

Just as you had predicted, your boss instantly sits up a little taller at the mention of your late, but influential, grandfather. His eyes are suddenly sparkling with interest and you can tell right then and there, you have this man just where you want him.

"Before my grandfather passed, he had introduced me to some of his colleagues," you continue your semi-made-up story. "Among some of them was Namjoon."

"Oh? Is that so?" your boss hums, casting a curious glance at the panther hybrid sitting next to you.

"Namjoon had been interning at my grandfather's company at the time," you nod. "I still remember the first time we met; Grandfather was constantly boasting about how wonderful of a businessman Namjoon is. He usually doesn't boast about his employees like this - let alone an intern. But he insisted that Namjoon was a hidden gem that would bring success to any company."

"That is a very promising compliment," your boss smiles. There's an uneven curl to his lips and you can only assume that he's already planning how he'll use Namjoon to help the company grow. "Why didn't you tell me this sooner? Now that I think about it, there shouldn't be a problem with having Mr. Kim interning with you. I'm sure with some convincing, HR will allow this to happen."

"Really?" you perk up in semi-surprise. You smile hopefully at the older man sitting across from you and you nearly engulf Namjoon in a celebratory hug when your boss gives you a firm nod.

"Consider it done. Namjoon, I look forward to hearing about your time here interning with us. You'll start this upcoming Monday - although you're free to join us earlier if your schedule permits."

"Thank you, sir," Namjoon bows deeply to show his respect and gratitude. "I look forward to learning and growing under the guidance of Y/N. In regard to my schedule, I am available to start as early as today."

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