21 - Red

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"So, how'd it go?"

"You're back earlier than I anticipated. I can't tell if that's a good or a bad sign."

"Did you get the internship?"

A bunch of voices are chattering in the kitchen when you finally toe of your shoes after entering the house from the garage.

Admittedly, it had taken you a few seconds of deep breathing in the driver's seat of your car to calm your racing heart before mustering up the courage to face the pack - and consequently the pack leader that just kissed you on the cheek.

On one hand, you're over the moon because of the small gesture of affection. But, on the other hand, you can't help but feel as if it were wrong because the pack is in a relationship with each other. And while they have admitted to seeing you as part of the pack, that doesn't necessarily imply that they have feelings for you like they do for each other. Perhaps the small kisses are just platonic displays of affection - something that can be common among close friends.

Either way, there's no denying that you enjoyed receiving the subtle kisses. In fact, you can't help but wonder what it would feel like to be kissed on the cheek by the rest of the pack members. Would they be as gentle as Hoseok was? Or perhaps some of them would be more nonchalant like Namjoon.

"Guys! We've been deceived!" Jungkook gasps in shock as he points an accusing finger at you. You cock your head to the side in confusion, glancing around the room to see if you had missed something in the midst of your daydream. "Y/N has been a hybrid all along! She's a tomato hybrid. Just look at how red her face is!"

For a second, your jaw falls slack as you stare at the black panther hybrid in disbelief. Jungkook is now snickering at his own joke while his tail swings animatedly behind him, proudly displaying his mischievous mood.

So the cub wants to play dirty?

Well, two can play this game.

"You want to talk about red, Kook?" you bite back with an unnervingly calm tone. You smirk a little when you see Jungkook visibly gulp.

Sure, the pack hasn't known you any longer than three months. But it doesn't take a genius to know that a calm counterattack is the deadliest of them all.

"Let's talk about your bright red Calvin Klein boxers with a hole right on one of your butt cheeks."

"No!" the panther cries out in horror as the rest of the pack erupts into harmonious laughter. "You promised you wouldn't look for the footage!"

"I made no such promise," you shake your head, a smug smile resting on your lips. "The hole was a rather cute little surprise. I mean, I so much as expected one for your tail, but I guess sometimes you want to be a little scandalous and show off your cheeks a little, right?"

"I wasn't trying to be scandalous," Jungkook retorts, face heating up into a warm shade of pink in his flustered state. "That pair is just too comfy to throw away just because there's a small tear in it."

"I understand. Everyone has that one pair they can't bear to let go," you shrug. "But I am curious as to how that hole got there in the first place?"

"I-" the youngest hybrid stutters, clearly at a loss for words.

"You really are growing on me more and more," Jimin chuckles as he walks over to you and slings an arm around your shoulders lazily. "It's been a while since someone has been able to humble the cub into his place after one of his jokes."

"Glad to hear it, little foxy. This definitely won't be the last time so long as I'm here," you wink. You watch in amusement as the older male turns away bashfully to hide his rapidly spreading blush.

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