28 - Written in the Stars

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"Then the rest was history."

"Wait, so if you and Hoseok were the only ones who knew each other at the time, how did you guys meet everyone else?" you ask with a slight head tilt. Your eyebrows scrunch together in confusion as you try to piece the timeline together and Seokjin tries so hard to resist the urge to reach around Taehyung to pinch your cheeks adoringly.

"I actually ran into them next," the sugar glider hybrid states as he clears his throat softly.

"Honestly, we all kind of just ran into each other - literally," Yoongi shrugs.

"I guess it was written in the stars that you all were meant to meet," you chuckle.

"And you," Jungkook adds while flashing you a toothy grin.

"It appears so," you wink back. "I guess you could say I ran into you guys as well - although, I was honestly more so running away from you, but I just didn't know it at the time because someone was being sneaky and chasing me from within the trees."

"Oh yeah," the pack leader coughs awkwardly while his right ear flickers nervously. "Sorry about that chase. We just wanted to know who was suddenly stepping into our pack territory."

"No need to apologize. I totally get it," you shake your head in understanding. "Seokjinie, did you also think Namjoon was going to eat you when you first bumped into him?"

"Of course not," the elder scoffs. "Only cowards think that. I took one good look at the buffoon and knew right then and there that he couldn't even hurt my pinky toe if he tried."

"Excuse me?" the white panther hybrid bellows outrageously. The look on Namjoon's face is utter betrayal, and as crude as it seems, you desperately want to burst out laughing at his misfortune.

"Oh dear, it seems as if you've hit a sensitive topic," you giggle. "Also, I'd be careful if I were you. Namjoon's biceps look pretty intimidating to me."

"Not to mention that he has the capabilities of accidentally hurting your pinky toe even if he doesn't intend on doing so," Yoongi adds with an amused smile curling on his lips.

"Sorry, Joon-ah. You know I only said that because I love you, right?" Seokjin bats his eyelashes at the pack leader cutely before immediately switching a 180 to continue his story. "Anyway - just as the article said, I'm a runaway hybrid."

"Did you also have a previous owner?" you frown, stomach feeling uneasy as you anticipate Seokjin's backstory. You can't help but expect his story to be similar to Namjoon and Hoseok's experiences with their past so-called 'owners'.

"Yes," he nods and your heart nearly sinks. "But don't worry. My owner treated me well, fed me delicious meals, and gave me expensive clothes and accessories to wear. I didn't run away because of any mistreatment from my owner. I ran away after he passed away."

"Oh my-" you gasp.

"He died from old age," the sugar glider reassures you quickly. "He was an older gentleman that lived alone and liked to adopt unique hybrids. So instead of having cat, dog, or bunny hybrids, he adopted me, an eagle hybrid, a cheetah hybrid, an arctic wolf hybrid, and even a viper hybrid."

"Wow, those are unique hybrids," you hum.

"When he passed, and since he didn't live with anyone and none of his relatives wanted to take us in, we all knew Hybrid Services would come to collect us," Seokjin continues to explain. Your lips unconsciously purse in distaste at his use of the word 'collect'. You hate how it makes him and other hybrids sound like objects that can just be tossed around. "We actually all planned on running away together so that we'd have each other to rely on, you know?"

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