Rising Sun (Twilight Saga Fanfic)

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Everything except plot line belongs to Stephenie Meyer. No profits are being made; this story is for entertainment purposes only.  But still, Please enjoy ^_^

She was alone. Again.

Bella woke up morning on her honeymoon to a farewell note from Edward. Being distraught for several days, Bella failed to notice the changes going on within her body. When she finally realizes she is pregnant, she returns home to figure out what is going to happen. Her only hope with her vampire hybrid child is the people she most fears: the Volturi. She begs them for help with her child, in return for her being changed into a vampire and serving in their guard.

A hundred years later, Bella is no longer the same shy girl. She's now the Volturi's best hunter. Because of her family's status within the guard, she is sent back to her home town to figure out why so many humans are dying. She's fine with that until she realizes something major important.

What if the Cullens are there?

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