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Forks High school was depressing.

Now, that's not to say it wasn't before, but with the disappearance of not just David, but another student as well, the place was full of emotional shock and grief. Even in my unattached state of mind, and the fact that I was coming back to school a week after the initial news broke, I found it hard to concentrate.

It wasn't even the emotions that got to me, though. It was the fact that despite 'saving' David, there was another person, another child, who didn't make it home. That meant two pairs of grieving parents. If I was being honest, just that little thought made it that more personal to me.

Luckily for everyone, me returning after the imperative flu, as Felix had told the school I was diagnosed with, served with a renewed sense of motivation. It was Tuesday already, and that meant it was time for us to infiltrate this club. Meaning that tonight, while everyone else was tucked in at home thanks to a town-wide curfew, I was going to be on the hunt. And, as terrible as it sounded, I'd hopefully have blood on my hands by the following morning.

We had learned a lot from scoping the address our rogues had given us. A club in the sketchy part of Port Angeles, where some grimy human decided a rave would be fun to host; it was literally a cesspool of disease and drugs. Even I felt dirty after being there.

"What the hell were you even doing here?" I had asked David on our night to observe. He probably would have turned red if blood still pulsed through his body.

"My grandmother still lives in that area...she refuses to leave and I had to drop her medication off," he answered sheepishly.

Of course. Wrong place, wrong time, wrong victim.

The list Heidi printed off was a good idea, if I did say so myself. A lot of the missing people, more so from the beginning were hanging around. They were picking off some of the scum; I should have cared more but after seeing one jackass try to sell some dope to two younger kids on their way home earlier, I didn't have too much sympathy. I told myself had the victim really been innocent, like David or his classmate, I would step in.

"Miss Swan, I know you haven't been feeling well, but I would appreciate it if you tried to pay attention."

Miss Kott murmured as she tapped the edge of my desk with her pointer. I smiled apologetically and tried a little more to look interested in her dumb subject but my mind was preoccupied. Needless to say though, I could still notice everyone's burning stare in the back of my head, especially two pairs of golden eyes. I looked to my left and out of my peripheral, I saw the one and only Jasper Hale staring at me with one of the most curious expressions ever.

Or was it Cullen this time?

I resisted the urge to shake my head and mentally scolded myself. I would be lying to myself if I said David and the rogues were the only issues on my mind. Way in the back of my head, this annoying, nagging voice constantly reminded me that I was on my own deadline. Three weeks now; three damn weeks until the rest of the Cullen coven returned to Forks. That was something I was hoping to be long gone for. Not that it would last that long, once the others found out I was alive. But if they did choose to chase me down, I would at least be home by then. Home sweet home.

Don't get me wrong – I was fine with Rosalie. The more I talked to her, the more I became fond of her. We had bonded of over something we didn't have before: pain, children, hitting absolute rock bottom and having to change our lives. We were both survivors, albeit in our own ways. Because of this, I found an ally, the one family member who had believed me from the beginning.

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