Answers and More

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Chapter Fourteen

            I had to leave Jake sometime in the middle of the night. I forget when it was but it was before the sun broke the horizon. I silently got dressed in his room while he was still fast asleep and made sure the shirt I borrowed was folded neatly on his pillow. With that, I kissed his forehead and was off.

            Now, hours later, I was back in hell, surrounded by tasty smelling humans. I think having tasted animals for the first time amplified their delicious smell, making me realize just how different the two tasted. Despite wanting a few to drink from, I tried to hold off my hunger by remembering that this would help me. The sooner I got my eyes a few notches away from being the crimson color they were, the more Evie wouldn't have to worry about holding her glamour over me. I knew that constant use was tiring, despite her protests.

            School went on as normal. Since I had finished the work I was assigned when I got home, I was able to turn in my assignments along with Evie's and Noah's without questionable looks from the teachers, as well as ignore the Cullen boys as much as I could.

            During lunch, David and Deidre joined us again. It felt right, especially when I noticed that Deidre had sat right next to Noah. I wondered if they were holding hands under the table by the proximity between them.  Apparently Evie noticed too and kept eyeing Deidre curiously, probably making sure the human was worth her brother's time. I, however, already adored Deidre. She had a beautiful personality, an epic attitude that could put Noah in his place when needed, and a strong will.

            I just wondered what would happen when the time to leave and return to Italy came.

            David was becoming more talkative toward me and Evie but in no way did either of us have the connection that Deidre and Noah had. So, as for the best, he remained our human buddy, someone we could rely on and talk to. He started to question us a bit in the beginning, making me terribly nervous, but in the end, he just accepted that my family and I are a bunch of freaks.

            To be honest, if I could turn the both of them and take them home with me, I would. I wasn't about to turn two human lives upside down though.

            As for Rosalie...I guess I could say that relationship grew a bit. In our gym and health classes, she was pleasant and kind but never pushed me. Emmett didn't either; in fact, all he did was sent me puppy eyes, a silent apology. Either our game the day before had really helped or Rosalie went after him later on for his behavior.

            The following days were the same. School was boring, except for lunch time. Emmett was quiet, Rosalie stayed nice, and all Jasper did was watch me with wary and curious eyes; there were other emotions present but none that I recognized. Our mission with the rogues was slow but getting somewhere. We had caught one and destroyed him when Heidi and I were investigating. We tried to get information out of him but he wouldn't budge; Felix came and helped us tear him apart. I surely wouldn't be forgetting his screams for a while but it came with the job.

            Apart from him, everything else had been silent, except for trails and wolf patrol.

            It was a little harder for Evie though by Thursday. I had finally gotten around to taking Noah and Evie to the reservation to see the others but a surprise came through, and not one that was really welcomed.

            Evie had always been close to Sam, the pack leader. I didn't blame her; Sam was a great guy. After I had given birth and returned home, Sam made it his goal to make sure the kids were taken care of. Evie sort of played as a daughter for him and Emily when she was there.  She looked up to him just as much as he cared about her, like an older brother, even more so than Jacob. There were times in the beginning where I seriously wondered if she was meant to be their child instead of mine, but that would be silly.

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