Going Home

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         It took a total of two days to get back to Washington. It would have been sooner if some flights hadn’t been delayed or if Bella had just gone with a first class flight. She was being frugal though and wanted to save the money. She was going to need it, being a single mom and all.

            When she had finally arrived at Seattle’s airport, Charlie was waiting in full uniform, even having his gun, which Bella noted was fully loaded. She sighed.

            “Dad, he’s not coming here,” She murmured when she reached him with the cart full of her luggage. Charlie stepped forward and, as if he was total different person, enveloped Bella in a tight hug. He didn’t let go until Bella pushed him away gently.

            “I wanted to be prepared,” he muttered and brushed her hair away from her face. Like it would do a damn thing, she thought to herself with a mental scowl. “Now what did you need to talk about that sounded so much more urgent than this mess?”

            Bella swallowed harshly. Though she had enough time to think about it, she didn’t know how to approach the subject without having Charlie think she was crazy. “I think we should wait until we get back to the house. You know, more private and confidential?”

            Charlie raised an eyebrow but started to pack her luggage into the trunk and back seat of the police cruiser. Bella waddled over to the other side of the cruiser and got in; she made sure her dress was still loose around her abdomen. She had gained another visible inch around her hips and desperately didn’t want Charlie to notice.

            The ride was somewhat silent. Charlie had pulled Bella up against his side to hold her close and comfort her. At first it was a shock to Bella; Charlie was never affectionate like that. Now, after knowing his daughter’s heart was broken yet again, he wanted to be there in every way possible; whether to comfort or to make sure she didn’t run off again, Bella didn’t know for sure.

            Arriving back at the house felt like the first day she had come to Forks, only this time she was glad to be back. She got out of the cruiser gently and went to help Charlie grab her bags but he shooed her inside.

            “Go call Billy; he needs to tell Jake you are home,” He ordered softly. Bella nodded; it wasn’t a bad idea. She didn’t know how Jake would react but she needed him now, whether he liked it or not.

            Bella went in the house and went to grab the house phone. She dialed Billy’s number, a number she had memorized by heart and waited for an answer. Finally, the old Native American answered. “Hello?”

           “Uh, hi Billy; this is Bella, Charlie’s daughter?”

            “Bella! Goodness, what are you doing calling here on your honey moon?” He asked in surprise. Bella winced; everyone would want to know why she was home.

            “I’m actually at home, Billy. I left the island…is Jake home?”

            “You’re at … home. Jake’s out in the barn, I’ll send for him,” Billy said, his tone of surprise dropped flat. Bella waited as she listened to his muffled voice yell at Embry to get Jake. He didn’t tell him it was her on the phone though.

            It took a few minutes before Jake’s soft voice entered the background. Bella listened to them converse and had to stop herself from laughing when she heard Billy play dumb and tell him he didn’t know who had asked for him.

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