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Chapter Seventeen

            Somehow we managed to get home about the same time Evie and Noah pulled down the drive. Like my earlier arrival, I was out of the car within a second, neither shutting the engine off or closing the door. All I cared about was getting to David and figuring out what the hell was going on.

Before their tires even began to slow, I threw the backdoor open, nearly removing the glossy metal from its hinges. Evie was in the back with David’s head on her lap, crying her eyes out for her new friend. Without a word, I hoisted David into my arms and carried him into the house. Luckily, Heidi had the door open for me, removing the slight obstacle. If she hadn’t done that, I would have probably kicked the wooden panel in. The repair costs would have been a bitch.

            “Keep Felix and Demetri out,” I snapped while I carried David through the house. When I noticed Evie, I asked her to cover the dining room table with a soft and comfortable blanket. As she did, I only then noticed that David was whimpering. My human friend, a strong guy with a shy personality, was in pain. I hissed at the thought of what the bastards had done and was glad we destroyed both of them.

            “Noah couldn’t get the venom out?” I questioned, propping a pillow gently under David’s head. Evie started going through the refrigerator and cabinets before coming back with a bottle of cold water, a bowl, and a rag.

            “No!” she cried as she poured the contents of the bottle into the bowl. She dipped the rag in and started to clean up his bloodied face. “We tried but it was halfway to his heart when we got there. If we extracted all of it, he would have died; it would have been too much of a loss for him. He was losing so much…”

            I winced at the pain in my daughter’s voice. I wanted to hug her, to comfort her, but I couldn’t. I had to get David out of his drenched clothing, wet from rain and blood, and burn them to eliminate the temptation for the others. If this had been a way other different situation, I would have been embarrassed for both him and me.

            “Noah!” I piled the clothing into a trash bag. He came immediately, his green eyes worried and sullen. “Can he borrow some of your clothing? I don’t want to leave him like this on the table.”

            “Sure, of course,” he murmured. Within seconds, he was back in my sight with a pair of jeans, a black t-shirt, and some ankle socks. I couldn’t have been gladder that they were similar in size.

            “Now go burn his clothes and wash out the car, please” I murmured. Noah nodded and left. I then turned to Evie and asked her to join her brother. She was hesitant as she looked down at David but for his sake and privacy, she left.

            Placing his clothes to the side, I listened carefully. Thinking about Noah being able to sire another vampire, I frowned and grew curious. I knew he had venom, unlike Evie, but was there a chance it wasn’t strong enough? I didn’t want to risk a chance of failure with my human, so I bit a few parts of his body, letting my own venom start to course through his veins. It made him scream out in pain more but I could hear it overtaking his blood in his veins.

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