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Chapter Eleven

            I wanted to go home. I wanted to crawl under a very large rock and hide. I wanted my father to be here and tell me everything would be okay. I wanted my mother to tell me to follow my heart and that it knows best. I wanted Jake to cuddle me and tell me the Cullens were a bunch of asses.

            That's what I would do. I would go visit Jake.

            Only I can't. I had to stay in school.

            Damn it.

            Mom? What happened? Noah kept pushing into my mind, probing for an answer. Though I thought it was amazing that not even my shield could keep him or his sister out, this was one of those times where I wished I was still undetectable to anyone.

            I just shook my head and mouthed the word later. It had been already four periods and I refused to speak. I didn't address anyone except my children but even then it wasn't with words. To make up for it, Evie told everyone I had a disorder with migraines and that it was so painful that I felt sick. People backed off a bit with her warning and she spoke for me.

            By the time lunch had come, I was more than willing to swim across the ocean without a break if it meant I got to go home. I hadn't seen Jasper for the rest of the day but I found out from another kid that Emmett was in my gym class next period. I was so not looking forward to it but it could have been worse. It could be Rosalie.

            Speaking of the blonde, I really didn't want to enter that cafeteria because I know she would be in there with the guys. I don't know what her reaction would be. Would she believe me? Or would she try to strangle me for what Edward told her I did.

            In all honesty, I didn't want to find out.

            "What did they say to you?" Noah asked when we entered the cafeteria. We both followed Evie to an empty table pushed into the south corner of the room. It was perfect for us and hopefully would keep us somewhat shadowed from the humans.

            "Mom, please talk to us," Evie whispered. She tugged on my sleeve and forced me to look at her. I could feel my frozen heart break all over again when I saw the sadness and the worry in those chocolate irises. She was terrified for me and I had made it worse by not answering her and her brother's concerns. That was just plain horrible of me.

            I shook my head and patted her shoulder lovingly. "Nothing I can't handle. It's just going to be harder for me then I thought it would be."

            Noah started looking around the room, searching for his 'uncles' with a glare that could kill. I knew exactly who he was looking for – the carbon copy of himself. "Is he here? Is that son of a bitch here, too?"

            "Noah," I snapped, warning him of his mouth. I wouldn't let him sink down to his level. "He isn't here; from what they said, he and the others won't be here for another few weeks."

            "So there's a chance we could leave before they arrive," Evie suggestion, her tone hopeful and somewhat excited.  I nodded once.

            "I'm praying that's the case. It's bad enough three of them are there... I'll tell you the rest tonight, when we're alone. It's not something I wish to talk about in a public place," I explained. Both of them nodded but then Noah growled.

            "Three... who is the third?"

            Before I could answer, Evie interrupted me. "I'm going to guess it is that blonde that's looking at mom like she has three heads. She just walked in with the men."

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