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            “Now that everyone is gone, we can be at peace!” Aro said, clapping his hands once. The brothers returned to their thrones after the cleanup commenced and the rest of us took our lingering spots through the hall as usual. Mine was with my children at the steps before the thrones.

            It wasn’t that we preferred to sit on the stone steps. This was our usual guard spot, front and center. Because we were the Volturi’s personal guards, it was best that we put ourselves before them. Not only did we serve as a warning, it gave me the advantage of always having my shield around them. It also gave time for Noah and Evie to act.

            “At times like this, I wish I needed sleep,” Noah muttered as he sprawled out across the marble steps. He laid his head in my lap, giving me the chance to distract myself with his hair.

            “It’s your own fault, moron. You ate too much human food with about five or second goblets of blood. We told you not to mix too much,” Evie chuckled as she sat down on the opposite side of me. She leaned her head against my shoulder, snuggling close, so I wrapped my arm around her shoulders to hold her close.

            We were pretty tight as a family. There weren’t any secrets in the Swan Coven, only open thoughts and shared emotions. If we had a disagreement or an argument, we talked about it. I had tried my best with the help of others to raise my children with manners and respect for family. When we visited Charlie, he would help me too but still managed to spoil them a little. It was the same with the pack; after they had accepted what happened, they had played a major part in the kids’ lives as they grew up.

            “I think now is the time to discuss some things, don’t you agree brothers?” Aro’s voice had broken my concentration, causing me to look over my shoulder at the three Volturi brothers. Aro stood again and looked down at me. “Isabella, we have a… an assignment for your family again.”

            I gently nudged my children away from me and stood up. I did it slowly so I didn’t tear the beautiful gown and then walked up the steps to Aro. He held his hand to me and I took once I reached the top, lifting my shield in the process. I could feel Aro prodding my mind, looking through all of my thoughts.

            “You are doing well, my beautiful Isabella,” he murmured. I closed my eyes, ignoring the soft throb of pain in my chest. I knew exactly what he was talking about; I still wasn’t over the pain I had endured a century ago. It was nowhere near what it used to be; now it was just a sad memory I wish I could just forget.

            I’ll never forget though.

            “I think you’ll be okay with this assignment, Isabella. You are my strongest, my leader,” Aro continued. “I wish for you to return to Forks, Washington.”

            My eyes snapped open the moment I heard the first syllable. Behind me, I could hear my children spring to their feet. “Forks?” I asked hesitantly. I haven’t been there since Charlie’s funeral. That was the last time and I didn’t think I would go back.

            Caius nodded from his place behind Aro. “There is a group of rogues causing too much trouble. They’re killing freely and in one area. We feel that you and your family would do well to handle them.”

            “How many?” I asked. My shield went back up, guarding my emotions from Aro and the rest of the world. Aro frowned slightly and dropped my hand, knowing that my emotions had changed by how my voice had turned professional.

            “Six, maybe seven; that is, if they haven’t created anymore,” Marcus explained.

            “As much as I hate to admit it, it might take more than just my family to take out that many,” I murmured. Aro nodded and smiled again.

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